A Short Stack Love Story; set three

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a short stack love story.


(photo of Sage Mitchells)



Shaun’s loud singing and skipping must have attracted attention up ahead, because by the time our little group reached him, Carrie was picking herself up of the ground and glaring viciously at the swarm of teenage girls.

“Carrie! Are you okay?” I fluttered my arms around her, not exactly knowing what to do. Checking for an injury, maybe?

“I’m fine.” She muttered in embarrassment, then wiping her hands on the sides of her jeans.

“Let me guess…” Bradie raised an eyebrow at Carrie, and then stood on his toes scanning the girls to find Shaun, and sure enough, a grimace appeared on his face.

“Sorry Carrie, he can be a massive jerk sometimes… But are you okay darling?” Andy drawled, looking annoyed but quickly changed to worry. Although I must admit, he was pretty cute when he was scowling.

I bit my lip, and looked at Carrie. She raised her eyebrow in appreciation of his concern and I looked away before I began to laugh, she smiled warmly at Andy. “I’ll be fine thank you.”

He blushed and looked away. Did anyone else feel like grabbing his cheeks and going ‘awww’?

“Oh my gawd! It’s Andy and Bradie! They are sooooo hot!” A shrill scream pierced the air and I felt like poking my fingers in my eyes to block out the god-awful sound.

Bradie looked like he was about to run for it, but after seeing my small smirk, his posture straightened remarkably. “Sage.” He glowered at me and turned on the heel of his boot, marching towards the crowd of estrogen. I full on burst out laughing, as did Andy.

“As tempting as death by screaming, horny teenagers is…” I trailed of and glanced nervously at the girls.

Andy smirked and ruffled the back of his hair. “Food court in an hour?”

“Deal.” Carrie and I said simultaneously, and linked arms. “Bye now!” I wiggled my fingers at Andy, and walked of.

“See you soon pretty lady,” Andy replied, but I had the feeling he wasn’t talking about me. He turned towards the girls, and almost immediately was swallowed up by them. I will admit, I may have pouted.

We both sort of dreamily stared at the boys for a moment, well, their heads anyway.

When I realised what I was doing I shook myself, I WILL NOT be a groupie. Na uh, no way.

Carrie gave me her i-know-what-your-thinking grin out the corner of my eye, so I released my inner six year old and poked out my tongue. She just rolled her eyes and smiled

I flicked my long dusty blonde hair over my shoulder, “Ready ‘pretty lady’”? I teased Carrie, imitating Andy’s deep voice and the flutter of his lashes.

“Sure thing, ‘Sage’” She dropped her voice an octave and I lost it.

After a moment we both sobered up, “Shopping!”


As soon as the crowd of girls ‘attacked’ me I looked out the side of my eye to find Andy, I saw him flirting with Carrie, making me roll my eyes and laugh. “He really can’t help himself can he?” I laughed quietly, to no one in particular.

Spiderman undies were shoved in my face, distracting me from my entertainment.

“Hahaha-“I fake laughed at the 14 year old girl trying to give them to me, “That’s awesome.” I just won’t tell her that’s the eighth pair someone has given me this week.

Andy joined me soon after and it was all I could do not to slap him over the back of his head, but I was jabbed in the rib with a permanent marker, so I soon forgot about it.


About an hour and fifteen minutes later, we managed to drag ourselves away, and we were actually dragging the sullen and reluctant Shaun.

Andy flipped his hood up so it rested at the part of his side fringe, and gave me a cocky smile. Arrogant bastard.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and rolled my eyes, and quickly started looking for Sage.Then I was shoved in the shoulder my Shaun, spinning me around in a 180 twist.

“What the fuck!?” I shoved him back, typically he rolled his eyes, giving a subtle glare in the direction he had shoved me in.

I fiercely shoved him back, letting him know I was pissed off, and turned to look.


Like a love struck fool I gazed at her. The way her gorgeous brown and caramel hair flicked back when she laughed, the perfect arch of her lips when she smiled, and of course, those gleaming green eyes that looked like a forest you wanted to explore, flecked with black and gold. So beautiful…

“Oi idiot, you coming?” Andy roared with laughter at my goofy grin, which was instantly wiped from my face when Shaun slapped me over the back of my head.

“Stop hitting me!” I growled and punched him in the arm, which he probably added to the “Why Bradie and I Shouldn’t Be Friends List”, I’m not even joking, he really has a list!

The three of us went and sat down with the girls, who were giggling at something Sage had in her hands, something lacy…

Naturally I pulled up a seat next to her and raised an eyebrow at her fisted hands.

“Nothing.” She teased, and slipped whatever it was into the pocket of her purple hoodie.

“I doubt that.” I replied, physically holding myself back from grabbing her hand and pulling it to my chest.

“So love birds, what’s for lunch?” Carrie inquired with a laugh, which caused Sage to blush bright red and mumble something incoherent.

Smoothly I bowed my head and put my hand on her thigh, “Chinese?” I whispered next to her ear, afraid she might push me away.

“Umm…” She breathed, her eyes rolled back into her head with pleasure. I felt like fist bumping the air.

“Ahem” Andy cleared his throat and stood up from the table faster than I thought he could. “As much as I would love to watch my step-brother… woo, Sage, I am hungry.” He looked at me with distaste then held out his hand with a big grin on his face, “Care to join me Carrie?”

She looked as though she was going to collapse, but grabbed his hand quickly then winked at Sage. The both of us laughed when Shaun stormed of in search of food, clearly pissed at their exchange.

Sage turned to me and slowly reached down to where my hand was still on her thigh and held it gently. “Chinese it is.” She murmured and pulled me away from the table.


usually i don't like doing Authors Note's because they are frankly reeeally annoying, but i just wanted to apologise for never uploading! It's been hard since i'm studying in year 10 and have a job :/ I will try, pinky promise!

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