Just a normal day

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So I walk to school it's 8:12 thank god I'm not entirely late. Because class starts in about 15 minutes. I sprint to the common room I still have 12 more minutes till the bell. I see summer, and unfortunately see Clair to glaring at me from the back of the common room near her friend grace. They both still hate me from the incident from last year. When I accidentally spilled my glass of water on her dress that she had specially tailored to look like Ariana grande's at the music awards last early summer. And I think I did her a favour, because anyway the Rhinestones on her ass made her stomach look fat. Just saying. I finally walk over beside summer, and I tell her about the tickets. She freaks out and asks me if she could maybe come. I agree as long as it's ok with her mom and dad. She thanks me. And we briefly talk about it.
then Clair walks bye with her handy sidekick (or what I like to call sidebitch) and oh so gracefully bumps into me. "oops!" She says acting all cute. "I could not see you over both of your guy's ratchet hair, sorry my bad!" Then walks away like an angel. That girl drives me crazy. The bell rings and I tell a couple more people about the tour. They all seem really excited for me. Everyone at westerners high school are really nice for the most part. But their a few like Clair. Who for the most part I try my best to avoid. The school day finally finishes with a short history class. I meet summer bye the doors bye the science lab we walk back to my house, and wait for her mom to pick her up. While I'm waiting we go to the kitchen to get glass of water. Then she suddenly looks up at me and asks. "Alexandra, can I see the tickets?" "Sure." I say. Shrugging my shoulders. "Their upstairs on my bed." She runs to go get them. After a couple of seconds she returns with the two tickets. She is carefully examining every inch of the small pieces of paper along with the wrist bands that are attached to the tickets. Her mom shortly pulls up. She waves goodbye and hops into the car. I continue on with the remaining part of my day and finish my homework. Then head to bed. My dog bird curls up on the end of my bed and I slowly drift away.

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