Passing time...

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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing "oh." I say it's just another notification about Cameron Dallas tweets. I slowly get out of bed. Bird is still curled up on the far right corner of my mattress. She's so cute when she sleeps. As soon as I start to get dressed bird wakes up and stars yawning. I let her out of my bedroom after I get my clothes on. My mom and dad are still sleeping. It's 6:47 in the morning my parents usually wake up at around 7:30 my little sister piper wakes up even latter because elementary school only starts at 9:00. So I jump back into my bed and start going through my social media. Theirs some stuff about how Clair is starting a campaign to start a fashion day in school once a month. I personally think that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of. And  I'm definitely not dressing up if she gets her fashion day. I continue to go to school for the next week or so. I tell more people about the tour thing, eat more gross cafeteria lunch, along with doing more boring homework. Then it's all of a sudden November 1st. I realize that theirs 5 more days il get to meet Kian and jc on November the 6th. I'm so exited it's also great because I live in the Golden Gate Bridge area. The next few days pass without problem, but not without butterfly's about the tour. The day after tomorrow is Saturday, the day I finally get to meet Kian and jc. I'm so ready for this I tell myself even tho I'm pretty sure that I'm no where close to ready.

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