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(Okay, so there is another big time jump about halfway through because I didn't want it to get boring.)

Erwin knocked on Levi's door around five o'clock. He'd been sleeping at his boyfriend's for the last month considering Levi was nine months gone now. "Thank god you're here. Oh not who I expected but still good. Get in here." Kuchel opened the door looking a mess.
"Are you okay?" Erwin asked walking in. Before Kuchel could answer a cry came from the living room. "Mum." A small voice moaned from inside. Erwin ran into the room. Levi lay on his side, groaning and rubbing his tummy. His breathing was uncontrollable. "Levi!" Erwin moved to his Omegas side.
"I think he's in labour," Levi's mum said quietly, "An ambulance is coming. This is too big to be a false alarm." Erwin sat in shock.
"W-Wait, right now!" He started to panick but Levi punched his shoulder surprisingly hard. "You can't freak out now! You need to help me remember!"
Erwin shook his head. "Okay, yeah. Okay breath baby." The next knock on the door was more promising. In minutes paramedics stood in the living room doorway. "He needs to go to hospital." One of them announced.

And off to hospital they went. Levi was rushed straight into a delivery room. Erwin sat beside him the entire time holding his hand. After Levi was given pain killers and they numbed his lower half he stopped groaning in pain. He was able to talk to the nurses and listen to Erwins comforting words. A light sheen of sweat had covered Levi when crying was heard. Erwin looked behind the blue sheet they put up over Levi's chest. The doctor held the baby up for him to see "A boy." He was wrapped up and offered to Levi. The Omega looked to Erwin almost as if he was asking permission. Erwins hand slipped from Levi's and he smiled. The moment the baby was placed into Levi's arms he stopped crying. On instinct Levi rubbed his cheek on his babies forehead to mark him. Tears run free down Erwins face "You did it Levi, holy crap you did it.

They were moved into a small room on the maternity ward. Levi's mum was brought to them. Kuchel stepped in the room and almost broke down in tears herself. "Armin." Levi spoke, gently rocking his baby.
"What dear?" Kuchel asked.
"What do you think to the name, Armin?" Levi looked over to his mother. Kuchel smiled "It isn't my choice, sweetie. It's an adorable name regardless though."
"Armin it is then." Erwin smiled leaning forward and kissing Armins head.
"Do you want to hold him?" Levi muttered to his Alpha. Erwin shook his head "I can't, I'll drop him. He's so little I'll end up hurting him."
"I'll help you Erwin." Kuchel stood and gently took Armin from Levi. "Here." She placed Armins head in the inside of Erwins elbow, resting the boys side against Erwins chest and moved the blondes hand under Armins butt.

Levi picked up his phone and took a picture of Erwins first hold of their baby. Kuchel stayed crouched next to him making sure Armin didn't wobble out of his grip. Erwin sat in awe as Armin wiggled a bit before opening his eyes. Levi leaned over to see what colour they were. Bright, ocean blue. "Eyes like his dads." Levi smiled. "You're so soppy." Levi wiped Erwins eyes when tears started to form.
"He's just so perfect." The blonde muttered leaning down to kiss his babies nose. Armin started thrashing his arms and whimpering. Kuchel asked Erwin for premission to take him before scooping him up and placing him in Levi's arms. A nurse appeared at the door "I have some milk for him if he's hungry." She said handing the bottle to Levi and leaving. Erwin smiled when Levi naturally knew what to do.

The days turned into months and the months into a year. Armin being one and a half now. Levi and Erwin learnt early on that he was smart, crawling at around 7 months and saying his first words shortly after. Levi being the one to leave school to raise him, sat crying while his baby sat saying 'papa' over and over again. Sending a video to Erwin only to have him ring him up in record time crying as well.

At one he stood up and walked. As Erwin walked in the door Levi was crouched waiting, telling him to stay where he was. He helped Armin stand, guided him into the first two steps before letting him walk the three feet that was between him and Erwin. Armin falling into Erwins awaiting arms and being lifted into the air by his Papa.

A couple of months later Levi noticed that Armin stopped crying for attention. He would toddle up to him and ask to be picked up. He asked for everything that he needed instead of just crying and leaving Levi and Erwin to figure out what he wanted. Armin was a very smart kid indeed.

Levi and Erwin sat cuddled up on the sofa watching TV with Kuchel. Armin sat playing with his stuffed animals on the floor. "How many more exams you got left?" Levi asked.
"I dunno like seven." Erwin looked down at his Omega "Why?"
Levi shook his head "I was just wondering. You keep missing all of Armins big milestones."
"Soon I'll be done but that's my job. As I didn't give birth to him that means I have work and earn money, while you get to raise him. I know I've missed the first time he spoke and the first time he stood up, but I got to come home to you, eager to show this new thing. To me that's exactly the same." When Erwin stopped speak he felt Levi smile against his chest.
"Papa?" A little voice chimmed.
"Yes baby?"
"Cuddles." Armin put his arms in the air, asking to be picked up. Levi moved off Erwins chest so the Alpha could lean forwards. "Come on then." Erwin smiled at his son, placing his arm underneath Armins arm and around the boys otherside. As he was brought off the ground Armin put his arms around Erwins neck, aiding the lift. He cuddled into Erwins chest and let Levi tucked his hair out of his eyes. Armin became more clinging towards Erwin at night. He liked to try and spent the same amount of time with his Papa as he did with his daddy.

When Armins eyes started to flutter shut Levi got his favourite toy from the floor and placed it in his hands. Armin smiling sleepily and became heavier on Erwins chest. Levi was in the same state not too longer after, promoting Erwin to tell him they should go to bed. Levi put Armin in a safer position on Erwins chest so he could carry him to bed.
Levi had spent his time while pregnant and while Armin was still tiny decorating the spare room. He had themed it all to do with the ocean, painting a beach on one wall, a scene under the sea with dolphins and fish on the next and another one with boats and a lighthouse. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was still pretty and Armin seemed to like it.
Levi took Armin from Erwin and placed him in his cot, kissing his head and pulling the blankets up. Erwin put Armins little plushie beside him and stoked his hair. "Good night baby." Levi whispered.
"Sleep tight little one." Erwin smiled. They snuck from the room and into their own.

Levi flopping down onto the double bed they shared, making Erwin chuckle. "What? I'm beat." He said letting Erwin lean over him, kissing down his jaw and to the start of his shirt. "If you're trying to get me into the mood for it you're gonna fail miserably."
"No I was just worshipping my beautiful Omega again for giving me my equally beautiful son." Erwin kissed Levi's lips one last time before standing up and changing.
They cuddled close and said good night, letting sleep take them.

The next day was a Saturday and they had their friends coming over to see Armin. They were Armins family just as much as Levi and Erwin were. Levi was helping Armin dress when they arrived. He carried him down the stairs, putting him down on the last two so he could jump to the floor and run into the living room. He tripped in the doorway but stood up straight away being too excited to feel pain. Petra was the first to grab him, picking him up and placing him on her hip. "How are you, little guy?" She asked kissing his cheek. He giggled saying "Good." Erwin kissed Levi when he appeared at his side. "Damn, you two look like even more of a married couple now." Hanji laughed.

Erwin smiled slipping his hand from behind Levi's back and facing him. "Levi, I've been thinking about this for quite some time and I think this is the right time." Levi raised an eyebrow at Erwins strange behaviour. Erwin nodded to himself and lowered himself onto one knee. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small black box. "Levi. Levi Ackerman, will you make me happier than you already have by marrying me?" Skilfully he flipped open the top half of the box, revealing a ring.
A small 'Holy crap' slipped from Petra.

Levi's hands covered his mouth before muttering "God I'm so cliche." Tears fell from his eyes when he began to nod. "Of course you big, dumb idiot." Erwin stayed where he was almost like he wasn't excepting Levi to say yes. But soon the realisation came to him and he stood up pull in Levi into a hug and kissing him. Their friends all began clapping as Erwin slipped the ring onto Levi's finger. Levi leaned on Erwins chest as he looked at the ring. It had six rows of diamonds going all the way around, each one a different colour of the gay pride flag: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Levi looked up noticing his mother was in the doorway. He ran to her, throwing his arms around her neck. She kissed his cheek and then whispered into his ear "My little corporal's all grow up."

(Okay I actually almost died of a cuteness overload writing that last half. I hope you are enjoying this as much I am writing it. It's not over yet, I've still got some cutesy family stuff planned.)

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