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(I updated this really quickly because I really enjoy writing this. Plus this chapter is like a filler part, just so I didn't do a huge time jump from one chapter to the next. Next part is gonna be important *winks*. Anyway on with the story.)

A couple of uneventful months past, everything slowly going back to normal, with the exception of Levi's pregnancy. He was quite big now and it was becoming harder to hide. People found out at school, it was fairly obvious. He didn't do pe and he'd gone from wearing tight almost revelling clothes to big baggy jumpers, even borrowing some of Erwins hoodies.
Levi was currently laying on his side on Erwins bed watching his Alpha do homework. "They're calling me a slut, Erwin." Levi's statement made Erwin stop what he was doing.
"People at school. They're calling me a slut for getting pregnant." Levi started drawing circles on Erwins pillow.
"But it's not your fault. If anything it's mine."
"But that doesn't stop ignorant people." Erwin stood up from his desk and knelt by the bed. He stopped Levi's hand to get his attention. "Nothing about this makes you a slut." Erwin tucked Levi's hair behind his ear. "This is good. You're beautiful, even more so because you're carrying my baby." Tears fell from Levi's eyes. "Hey babe move over a bit." Levi slid back to give Erwin space to lay next to him. They lay facing eachother with their foreheads pressed together. "Don't cry beautiful." Erwin kissed Levi's nose and let him snuggle closer. Levi yawned when Erwin started rubbing his tummy. "You tired?" Levi only nodded as a reply. "Sleep tight my prince."

"I can't believe they won't let me go with him!" Erwin sat with a sour pout on his lips.
"Yeah that's pretty shitty of them." Petra agrees. Erwin sat with his friends, angry that the school wouldn't let him have half the day off to go to the hospital with Levi for his baby scan. "You said he should be back at lunch so he'll be here soon." Hanji sat back in their seat.
"There he is." Nana spoke up, looking across the field. The group looked towards the small boy, his hand pushed deep into the pockets of his hoodie. As he got closer Erwin stood up to greet him, kissing him on the lips and hugging him. "How'd it go?" Erwin asked as they sat back down.
"Good, almost cried." Levi said pulled his rucksack off his shoulders and opening it.
"Why? Is something wrong?" Erwin asked watching Levi. Levi shook his head and pulled out three small squares of paper. "Here." Levi handed them to Erwin. Erwin turned them over in his hand and noticed they were photos, scan pictures. His mouth fell open. "Look you can see his head there," pointing to a big round blob "That's one of his arms." again he pointed to another part of the photo.
"You guys already know it's a boy?" Petra piped up.
"No, Levi just has a weird feeling about it." Erwin smiled.
"Yeah, the nurse says they can't tell yet but maybe in the next one." Levi rested his head against Erwins shoulder "She asked if I wanted to hear his heart beat, but I said I'd wait to hear it with you." Erwin smile turned a little sad "I'm sorry I couldn't be there."
"Stop apologizing for stuff you can't help. It's fine, she said he'll be more formed next time so it didn't really matter if you missed it."
"Yeah I guess." Erwin kissed the top of Levi's head.
"Hey let us see 'em then." Petra said from the other side of the table.

"So you okay with helping with this?" Erwin asked as they walked to his house to tell his parents the news.
"Yeah, we need to do this together." Levi took Erwins hand.
"Thanks prince."

Erwin sat nervously tapping his foot on the ground as he sat in front of his parents with his boyfriend. "So why is he here?" Erwins father sat back unimpressed.
"Please just listen to him." Erwins mother placed a hand on the mans knee. "Go on sweetie, what do you need to tell us?"
"I... we, well." Erwin stuttered unable to speak.
"I'm pregnant, with Erwins baby... We've always been as safe as possible but these things happen and we needed you to know because we need your support." Levi spoke up for Erwin and the room stayed silent.
"You disgusting faggot. How could you let that happen? We'll never be able to face our family again because of you." Erwins father stood up screaming at his son.
"Dad, it was an accident." Erwin tried to console himself.
"No Erwin, don't say that. No child is an accident. This baby is no different," Erwins mother stood up and turned to her husband "You have been at Erwins ass ever since you found out about Levi. To be honest it's really beginning to get to me. If you can't except our sons choices in life then I don't want you in my house!" The two boys jaws had hit the floor by this point.
"Fine, keep your bent son, what do I care." And with that Erwins dad left. Erwin moved to his mothers side. "Mum you didn't-" His mother cut him off.
"Yes Erwin I did. It's better this way." She looked over to Levi "I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Erwins mother, Sherri." Levi shook her hand.
"I have scan photos if you'd like to see."

Levi was allowed to stay the night considering it got so late by the time they had finished talking. Levi's back was pressed firmly to to Erwins chest. The blondes hand ideally rubbed Levi's stomach. Levi lay humming reluctant heroes. He stopped when he felt a sharp kick on the inside of his stomach. "You okay?" Erwin whispered quietly. When it happened again Levi moved Erwins hand onto the area that was kicked. Nothing happened "Er babe?" Erwin asked. Levi hushed him. Soon enough another kick came "There, did you feel it?" Levi asked.
"Oh my god, yeah I did." Erwin pushed against the spot a bit harder to have something push back. "Holy crap, that's amazing!"
"Yeah it is." Levi whispered placing his hand over the top of Erwins.

Levi, Erwin and their squad had been wandering around shops for most of Saturday morning, baby shopping. Mike, Hanji and Erwin serving as the baggage handler, while the other three fangirl over little booties. "They're freaking adorable!" Petra squeals at a pair of baby sized trainers.
"Yeah but I don't think he'll need them just yet." Levi pulls her away to continue their trip.
Once outside they looked back at their haul. "Do you think this is enough for today?" Nana asked looking at the bags.
"Yeah probably. We need to find a place to put all this." Levi smiled. They'd bought anything from little bed suits to fluffy blankets. "Levi, when's your due date?" Petra asked.
"Early November."
"Holy crap that's only four months away! No wonder you're that big."
"Thanks Pet, you're great at boosting self-confidence." Erwin stood up and pulled Levi close "You look fine babe."
"Well yeah as fine as I possibly can look being you know, pregnant." Levi bit back. "God I'm hungry, do you think they sell marshmallows some place around here?" Everyone but Erwin raised an eyebrow at Levi's strange comment.
"Does this happen a lot?" Hanji giggled.
"Yeah, it was chocolate ice cream last night." Erwin replied, standing ready to go on a search to appease his Omega.

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