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Afrel woke up to a vast expanse of an oily looking liquid stretched out before him. He was at peace as he watched it move.Back and forth, Back and forth, the waves went as they kissed the shore.   With most of his senses dormant, he sat on the beach quietly. For the first time in ages his mind was blank and unbothered.

A swift wave rushed in and covered his feet. The sting of the freezing liquid crashed into his mind like an unwanted guest. Along with a series of bizarre and melancholic thoughts. He jerked as he was freed from the tranquil trance and with wet clothes, he struggled to his feet.

Where am i ? what's this place?

He looked around hysterically and became instantly terrified after realizing he was surrounded by darkness and could not find satisfactory answers. He yelled for help but couldn't hear himself. Carlton instantly assumed his yell was merely a thought . He yelled again and focused his consciousness on the act, but still couldn't hear anything then after a few seconds of utter bewilderment, it dawned on him that he was deaf not just to his own voice, but to everything around him.

He looked up hoping to see stars. His symbols of hope but not a single one shone that night his eyes fell in disappointment only to catch a bright fluctuating glow at what seemed to be the edge of the beach.Afrel ran towards the light as fast as his legs could carry him. He could feel the mild warmth the light radiated as he drew closer.

In an instance, it vanished without a trace. The light, it's warmth and all, now replaced by the dim glow of the Opa within the darkness
He suddenly felt the strange Urge to check the sand for his footprints but there weren't any.Only three lines forming a trail that stretched far beyond his eyes could see.

"Looking for foot prints eh?"

A gruff voice asked. " You won't find none here"

Afrel froze with fear as he felt a hand sit heavily on his head. He hadn't sensed the presence of anyone with him on the beach.

" Gosh you're shivering like a Simick lizard in the frozen tundra"

Afrel dared to look at the mysterious visitor. He was huge. At least 9 feet approximately.His features couldn't be easily noticed, but a massive beard almost twenty-five centimetres in lenght hung on his face.

Dad could use all this on his head

In his state of terror, a speck of humour still found a way through his thoughts.

" Are you gonna stay there staring, or are you gonna introduce yourself ?"Afrel said nothing. " Well if you're so stricken by my beauty,I'll go first then."

The visitor leaned in to scan Afrel's face. His features now very clear. A deep scar cut across his left eye unto his heavily bearded cheek with nostrils as wide as Afrel's  thumb, he seemed to suck up the air around the boy. He had severe irregularities in his dentition and his eye,his good eye, raven black and soulless. Afrel's face greeted him with horror.

" I go by not too many names, but you can call me Beyumhaul. So what do they refer to you as my little friend ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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