The Chase

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Nascoto Tierra, Year 320, Port Town Of Bletz.

Huge waves hit the shores of the industrial town, and the entire area filled with nothing but the smell of death. The red waves rolled upon the shores of the port-town four years ago leaving it as a shadow of itself. It's population dropped by half, as people emigrated to other parts of the continent.

Afrel walked down pisces road with his bag hanging carelessly from his left shoulder, Maver was
his worst day the week for all his own personal reasons but today was just terrible.
    He had a heated argument with A guide, and his reward for being unnecessarily articulate, the abandoned locker room. Or slug Alley as the students called it.

Hopefully this day won't get any worse he thought, a drop of water fell straight on his fore head.
Followed by another, then another, till it became a heavy down pour.
   Afrel cursed as he ran to take shelter under The Bridge. He was soaked to the bone and his shoes, his only shoes were ruined but they now had an interesting splish splosh rhythm to them.

After waiting for almost thirty minutes, the rain slowly became a drizzle, and the dome shaped shadow of The Bridge appeared but the road was still as empty as it was before the rain started.

Afrel was about to step into the sunshine, when he heard a familiar voice above him.

"Yeah well it's only a matter of time before it's in place." This voice sounds too familiar. "And the
people of the town will be trooping in by the hundreds. No thousands, for _"

" You never know when to shut it,do you? Nch. We'll talk more about it when we get home Nch."
The voices slowly faded. Nch ? Only two people in this town speak like that and the other one's dead,so
it's gotta be Grenold. And he only walks with Mathew. What are those Oafs planning? He held his bag firmly as he walked up the grassy slope beneath The Bridge, following them slowly.

Following Grenold and Mathew was no easy task,for  they kept looking back ensuring that they weren't being followed. The more they did this, the higher his curiosity grew. Stealth wasn't exactly his style of approaching any situation. He was more like a charge in head first kind of guy. But today was different.


The crates Afrel hid behind Gave way. It was over. He hoped the two didn't hear, but that was impossible. They were the only ones on the silent street.

"Who's There?" Mathew asked with a mixed tone of fear and false courage. Afrel said nothing . Grenold cautiously approached the crates urging Matthew to back him up,but Mathew believed handing him a nearby pole and keeping his distance, would work better for everyone.

"I give whoever or whatever is behind those crates to the count of three to come out or else. Nch."

Afrel still said nothing.

"One..... Two... Thr_"

Afrel's bag flew from behind the crates striking Grenold in the face as he made a run for it.

"Get him Matt, don't let him escape. Nch."

Matthew stood his ground ,as Carlton rushed towards him before he could think, Afrel slid between his legs.
     "Always wanted to do that."
Afrel  said as he ran off smiling .

Before long, Matt and Grenold were hot on his trail. As he ran he wondered why no one  was out on the streets. Maver was usually the busiest day of the week, and  a crowd would have made things a lot easier. But as much as Afrel needed a crowd for cover, that wasn't going to happen because today was Crescedina. The annual holiday marking the completion of the Crescendo Tower.

On this Holiday it was by royal decree,that all the citizens were to stay indoors, except the students and tutors of Bletz Academy. And Afrel had clearly forgotten that.

His flee from Grenold and Matt brought him to a dead end. For some reason, that area stunk to high heavens ;that wasn't going to stop him. From afar, Grenold could see Afrel and the high dark brick fence that obstructed him.

"We got him now!!! Nch. Ain't nothing you can do. It's over!" Grenold yelled.

Afrel's heart beat faster as his pursuers approached. Think  Afrel think. His peripheral vision caught two old crates against the wall . Perfect. He placed his foot on the first mouldy crate to test it's firmness. It appeared firm enough to climb,then he placed his foot on the second but his feet would not touch the third. A powerful deafening screech echoed across the air and everything Afrel  saw slowly faded into a void of darkness.


After a lot of thought and hard work, i've finally started the first book of the Hypnosia series. Langlira. i've just written the prologue and the first chapter. Please show your support by voting and telling me what you think. I hope you like the first chapter.

More chapters to come. Thanks

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