Chapter 8: Asphyxiation

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My breath hinged on those last words. Boyfriend? Not something I ever pictured me having. And it wasn't just because I was weird or what have you. I had never really felt a strong attraction toward anyone. I mean, yeah, sure, I could look at some people and think they were pretty or handsome. I think I'd agreed that someone was sexy before, even, but without actually wanting to have sex with them. In a romantic sense anyway. I'd of course been curious about having sex; What it felt like and all. Hence learning to masturbate... There had only never been a pursuit of intimacy on my part. I couldn't recall ever feeling the desire for a strong emotional attachment and I had certainly not ever become wet or lustful looking at or knowing another person.

I remembered that I had been asked out once by a guy who was a sort of friend. I knew him anyway. We seemed to stay on and off with how much we actually talked to each other over the years even though we went to the same school. I was a couple years younger then and Mom had refused to let me go out. I can't remember what she said her reason was, but obviously it was a bit of control on her part. She had always bashed the idea of underage dating; the younger they were, the more unacceptable it was. She'd gone as far as put the kids themselves down instead of the parents that allowed it. Anyway, I never went on the date and was never asked out by another person. I guess it really didn't matter though. Like I said, I wasn't attracted to the guy, I only wanted to have the experience and try to have some fun.

However, standing here staring into this creature's eyes as he held a tight grip on my throat, fingers digging into it and making it hard to breathe... my loner self felt a new kind of longing. I wanted his presence. I didn't feel anxious when he was around- didn't want him to keep or distance and my mind wasn't scrambling to come up with a reason for either of us to leave. I wished for more time spent with him and yes, I even wanted to have sex with- No... I wanted him to fuck me.

Freddy had jumped out of the mirror and pinned me against the shelf just a few steps away where my dolls normally collected. Hand on my throat and a knee between my legs, he had slid his bladed hand beneath my shirt and was gently scraping the metal against my skin with a low purr. The touch of the blades against the previous wounds was an interesting sensation that had me wet. It burned to have them pricking at the torn flesh and at the same time, the metal was cold.

Only seconds, maybe a minute, had passed, but it seemed so much longer. And Freddy hadn't done anything more to me. He just stared and scraped his blades under my shirt, up and down my small chest. I found myself lost in his eyes...everything else was a fuzz like time had ended altogether and we were in some sort of suspended animation. I didn't speak or move. Did absolutely nothing because I couldn't. In my mind, though, I was l begging for his knives to tear into my see his crooked smile relishing in my pain as my blood covered him...his face coming close to the wounds and lapping the precious crimson from my body's crevices...

Suddenly, he was chuckling again and his hold on my throat tightened even more. I choked on the last breath I had been taking and gasped when I realized I couldn't take in anymore air... His grip was too strong. I was unable to fight back the instinct to move. Although, instead of fighting him...trying to push him off or make an attack of my own.. I simply grabbed the wall to my side with one hand and clasped my other around the edge of the shelf behind me. When I did, Freddy pushed his body even closer to mind, the force making me choke again. I could feel his stomach against mine...his knee digging so well into my crotch that he must have felt my moisture there.

I emitted a pitiful moan which caused his lips to part further and show his dirty teeth well. He gave another squeeze to my airway and my vision started fading in and out. Everything was blurry and my head was beginning to hurt. I could hear him chuckling, but the sight of him was lessening. It scared me. Not the lack of oxygen or the attack or even looming was the idea that I'd close my eyes or lose my sight and he wouldn't be there anymore. My heart rate picked up as I began going numb. I could just barely feel his hand on me and the pressure of his body against mine was vanishing. However, just as I thought everything would become nothing and I'd lose his sweet sadism, all force left me.

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