Don't Look Back... Part 1

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**Demi's POV**

"So what is everyone doing for Halloween?" My teacher says to the class, then takes a seat at her desk at the front of the class. "Is anyone dressing up? Going trick-or-treating? I dont know what you teenagers do on Halloween." She laughs to herself and I roll my eyes.

"Miss, we're too old to go trick-or-treating. Or even dress up," my friend, Selena says. People nod their heads, agreeing.

"Yeah, but no one can be too old for Halloween," Joe, in the seat next to me, says.

"Joe is right, everyone. Life is too short. Go out and have fun," Miss Daniels says. I hear the groan of other people and laugh. "Joe, tell us, what are you doing for Halloween?"

"Well, I'm dressing up and going trick-or-treating with my little brother," he answers.

"Liar," I coughed, laughing. He looks at me and glares.

"Oh, really? What are you gonna be?" she asks politely.

Joe straightens up in his desk. "Uhh.." he starts off. "I-I'm not sure."

"Oh. Okay, well make sure you show me a picture on Monday," the teacher says to Joe. He nods, obediently. I laughed. Knowing Joe for so long, he probably lied to the teacher. He tends to kiss up to the teacher so he could get good grades. Let me tell you this: It doesnt work. No matter how hard he tries. I look up as the person sitting in front of me passes me a paper. I look at it. The title was "The history of Halloween." There was a big, orange pumpkin and bunch of words on the front that I felt too lazy to read.

"To get more into the Halloween spirit, here are some articles that I thought you'd all enjoy." The teacher says and returns back to her seat. "You guys can chill and read these until the bell rings."

I turn my head and see Joe skimming through the back page with his eyes. He looked so into it! Finally, I turned it over, too and read the title. "Halloween: How to find your future other half." My eyebrows knit together, in confusion and in interest. At the top, there was a short paragraph, followed by some steps. I begin reading the first paragraph, then there's a tap on my shoulder. I look over at Joe.


"Did you read the back?" he asks me, excited.

"Gee, I dont know." I hold up my paper. "I was just reading it. Why? Whats it about?"

"Just read it!" he tells me. "Its--" Then the bell rang. We both got up and I swung my bag over my shulder, tucking the paper in. "I dont wanna give it away though," Joe continues. "Read it when you get home."

"Okay, I will," I reply. We walk out of the classroom together and begin making our way towards the school's exit. As soon as we made it out, I say, "Where are you headed?"

"I have to go pick up Frankie from school. Do you need a ride?" he asks.

"No, actually, my car is in the lot somewhere. Thanks, though." I lean over and we hug.

"Love you," he tells me. I nod, smiling, and he turns away, running into the crowd of students. I sigh and fish around for my car keys in my bag, then walk towards the parking lot where my car was. Joe is my best friend. We have been ever since kindergarten when he asked me for a red crayon. After that, we've been inseperable. He was like a brother to me. We love each other.

That same night, after I've had dinner and everything, I went upstairs and switched on my computer. SInce it was a Friday night, I could stay online all I wanted. I took out my bag and the paper we got about Halloween and stuff. I turned it over and began reading. "On the night of Halloween. . ."


This is Not Edited!!

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