Don't Look Back Part 2

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My phone rang, causing me to jump a bit. After I've read that article that Miss Daniels gave to us, I've been paranoid all this time. It was creepy.

"Hello?" I say into my phone.

"Hey," Joe's low voice came on.

"Oh, hey, liar," I laughed.

"Shut up," he mumbles, laughing. "Did you read the article yet?"

"Yes.. I just did a while ago."

"What did you think of it?" he says.

"Its.. weird. I dunno. Like any of that is true?"

"So you dont believe it?"

"No, why would I?" I answered.

"It just might be. If you actually did it, who'd you wanna see?" he asked.

In the article, it stated the steps you had to take to see your future husband or wife in the mirror. You had to follow the steps exactly how it says and Voila! But it only worked for single people.

"Hmm.. I'm not sure who'd I wanna see. What about you? Camilla?" I laughed. Joe has had a gigantic crush on Camilla ever since.. forever!

"What? Pssshh. No. I'm way over her." he defends himself.

"Right. Mhmm."

"I'm serious! What about you? Cody?" he laughs out loud.

I smile to myself. "Maybe."

"Oh, please. You dont have a chance with that jock."

"Its the same with you and that cheerleader."

"I dare you to try it," he says.

"No way. Its too creepy. I dont wanna walk alone in the dark," I reply.

"Chicken," he mumbles, smirking.

"I am not chicken! Fine, you try it. Tell me how it goes."

"No way. I'm not going to do it unless you do it."

"Fine. Then I guess you're not doing it. Who cares about finding out who your future other half is?" I quote the article. "Stupid beliefs."

He laughed. "Anyway, mom's yelling for me. Gotta go. Will I see you at Sterling's Halloween party tomorrow?"

"If I feel like it. What are you going as?"

"Its a surprise." he smirks.


"If you need a ride, just give me a call," he offers.

"Okay. Bye. Love you," I tell him.

"Love you too." Then, he hangs up.

I picked up the paper again and skimmed through. Like any of this was true. I wonder if someone actually tried this.

- The Next Night. Halloween Night.

Since I didnt have anything else better to do, I went to Sterling's party. Dallas took Madison trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, and I didnt want to be seen around with them. Its not. . cool. So instead, I invited Tiffany over and we got ready. Tiffany dressed up as a cute bunny, and I dressed up as Cinderella. The thought of possibly losing a glass slipper, then getting it returned by a Prince Charming seemed pretty cool. I doubt that it'll happen though. Stuff like that only occurs in fairytales, which I'm pretty sure my life isnt. To get ready, I helped Tiffany with her make-up and drawing out her whickers and all. In return, she helped me with my hair, and "prettying" me up, which she likes to call it. She set my hair in curls, and so it flowed down to my shoulders. Then, I put on my light blue dress, like the ones Cinderella had in the movie. I didnt have any glass slippers though. We walked up the porch steps, and already, people were coming in and out of the house. Music was blaring thoughout the house and mostly everyone were dressed up. Young kids were scattering around on the streets, dressed up in cute Halloween costumes, begging for candy at each door. We went in and Tiffany left me to go look for Sterling. I went around to look at Joe. When I spotted him, he had a drink in his hand and was on the dancefloor, dancing with Selena. I watched as she pushed her body against him. I dont know why, but I felt weird just watching. There was a big knot in my stomach. Joe turned around and then our eyes met. He waved a bit and then came over.

"Hey, you made it!" he says, smiling.

"Yeah, I did." I laughed. I looked at him, up and down. "And what are you supposed to be?"

He gasps. "You dont know? I'm Prince Charming, duh!" he exclaims. "And what about you?" I hit his shoudler, playfully and he laughs. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." he chuckles. "Let me guess.. Cinderella?"

"Gee, how did you know?" I ask sarcastically. He smiles, wide.

"You look great," he tells me.

"So do you." I pause. "Surprisingly," I add. We both laugh.

We dance a bit, then get tired of it all. So we go outside to get some fresh air. We walk around the neighborhood, then back to the party, where we hopped into Joe's car.

"I've gotta be home by 11," I say, then glance at the clock. "Which is in about 10 minutes."

"Why so early?" he asks, turning into my street.

"Church in the morning. You know my family."

"Right. You're such a good girl."

"And thats a bad thing?"

"No, no, no. Thats a good thing. Good for you." He looks over at me and smiles. We pull up into my driveway and I get out, shutting the door.

"Thanks for the ride," I say to Joe.

He nods. "Happy Halloween, Dems."

"You, too."

"Bye," he says and starts pulling out of the driveway.

"Love you!" I call out, laughing.

"You too!" he calls back.

Don't Look Back... {A Jemi One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now