Chapter 1

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It has been a long day sitting at home. I will be moving so my mom thought I shouldn't go to school. I already drank ten peace teas today and I feel kinda sick. I hear a car pull up so I look out the window. it's my mom! I was so happy, but yet so anxious. Finally, after asking just about a thousand times, my mom told me we were moving to California. I don't really remember much because I fell asleep on the ride there, all I remember is waking up to the sound of someone talking on a speaker I woke up to see that my mom was at the drive-through of Dairy Queen.

"Alex baby, do you want anything?"

"No thanks mom." I look down at my phone to see if I had any notifications for anything. I had an Instagram notification. It was saying that someone named Johnnie Guilbert wants to follow me. He looked kind of nice, so I accepted and sent one back. After a long drive Wisconsin to California, we were finally there. The first thing we unpacked was my mom's stuff she looked pretty tired so we did her room first. Then while she was sleeping I set up the living room, kitchen, and my room. My mom woke up to a surprise, she went to go thank me but I was asleep on the couch because I was so tired from setting the rest of the house up. I finally woke up after a 3-hour "nap". My mom said I should go out and meet some people in the neighborhood. So I changed into some comfortable walking clothes and went out. Almost everyone in the neighborhood hated me and I hated that, but then on my way home I ran into someone I looked up and saw it was the guy that wanted to follow me.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was running and wasn't watching where I was going," I said.

He instantly replied back "Oh no it's fine, hey aren't you the new girl in the neighborhood?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Oh, it's just that you look kind of lost. Want me to walk with you to your house?"

"Yeah, that would be nice" On the walk home, we talked about pretty much everything, things like my life back in Wisconsin and how much I already hated my new neighborhood.

"Well this is my house, it was nice walking with you,"

"Oh, it was nothing because we live next to each other."

"Oh, that's cool, well I better get going before I worry my mom."

"I hope to see you around at school tomorrow."

"Yeah, I may need some help getting around."

"I will be looking forward to being your guide"

"Goodnight," I said as I walked off with bright burning cheeks 

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