Chapter 2

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(Alex P.O.V)

I wake up and do the same morning routine, get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, do my makeup, go downstairs eat breakfast, drink peace tea, and go back upstairs and put on deodorant. Today I add something to my morning routine. I met my neighbor at the bus stop.

"Hey, I forgot to ask you last night, what is your name?"

"I'm Alex Dorame, and what is your name?" I asked him because I wanted to make sure that he was that guy.

"I'm Johnnie Guilbert." He replied following a slight smile. He also told me that he walks to school because he hated to ride the bus. When we got to school he showed me where the office is so I could get my schedule.

"Thanks again Johnnie." I had already thanked at least five thousand times. "It's really nothing." He said every time. "We have almost every class together other than seventh and sixth period." I think I'm really starting to fall for Johnnie, but I had a boyfriend back in Wisconsin.

(Johnnies P.O.V)

I walked by Alex's locker and I saw that Chelsey, Rosalie, and Lavender were laughing and making fun of Alex. So I walked up to them

"Will you stop making fun of Alex just because she isn't named after a flower doesn't mean she isn't any less beautiful than you" I yelled at them. I really think I like Alex, but she told me about this guy shes dating in her hometown.

"Oh look Emo boy wants to stand up for his precious little girlfriend well look here buddy you think your so brave and tough think again because we know what your weakness is. Think we don't, we won't hesitate to show the whole school the video." Chelsey said while kind of spitting in my face, practically mimicking my sobs in the video.

"Just back off of her," I said trying to help Alex.

"Whatever, but next time you think you stand a chance against us, you're dead" Chelsey paused "Girls, let's go," she said while yelling at Rosalie and Lavender and walking off with her blonde ponytail swinging.

"Thanks Johnnie."

"No problem," I replied back looking down at my feet. I may not have shown it, but the comment about my video really got me. My father died years ago and I made a video about how the loss affected my depression.

"I will see you after class," Alex states grabbing my attention. "Hey, are we walking home together?"

"Yeah," I reply with a fake smile. Alex had enough on her plate and I didn't need to add any more stress on her.

"Ok see ya soon!" She smiles and walks away.

After school, Johnnie and I met up at the front of the school walked home. I did homework, showered, brushed my hair, ate dinner, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. The next day was my birthday I was so excited so I went to bed kind of earlier than usual. 

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