Chapter 9

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(Alex's POV)

Yesterday was the best day of my life! I'm so glad that I have Johnnie! He sticks up for me and he is always sweet, kind, and generous. I heard my phone go off so I roll over to check it.

S: Hey!


S: Are you coming to the airport?

A: I'm trying to get Johnnie up,

S: Ugh, he needs to get his lazy butt up!

A: I will try again.

"Babe, can you wake up?" I asked Johnnie while shaking him. I was up first this morning because we were going to the airport to meet up with Shannon. She was moving to California!

"I'm up!" He playfully yelled at me. I just giggled because when he playfully yells its kinda funny.

A: HE'S UP!!!!!!!


A: ok I will see you later, be at the airport in 5 minutes!

S: Ok, Bye my pretty kitty!

A: Bye, Veggiebutt!

(At the airport)

"ALEXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!" I heard a voice yell from behind me, I turned and saw I had a Shannon running toward me.

"Hey, Shannon!" I told her while hugging her.

"Hey, what about me?" Johnnie asked while playfully pouting.

"Oops sorry Johnnie!" Shannon said and went over to hug him while I put her stuff in the car. When we got home we talked about the next day and let Shannon know how life is gonna be at that school.

"Ok so you can sleep in the guest room for tonight," Johnnie told Shannon.

"Ok, and tomorrow after school Bryan is picking me up. He's been thinking about letting all of MDE move into the same apartment" Shannon told us. After talking for a little while longer we all said our goodnights and went to bed.

"WAKE UP!!!" I was yelling at Alex because we were about to be late for school. She woke up, looked over at the time and jumped out of the bed. She didn't say anything while she was getting ready. I guess she knew we were almost late.

"Let's go." She finally said when she was done.

"Hey emo one and two brought some new bait," Chelsey said as soon as we walked in and giggles.

"I wonder if that boy is cheating on her with the new bait," Rosalie said after Chelsey.

"Hey the new bait doesn't seem that bad, she should join our crew!" Lavender said.

"Alex are you okay?" I asked her, she looked a bit sad.

"No, they are gonna go after Shannon, I don't want her hurt, not on her first day!" Alex said. I could tell she was fighting tears so I reached down and grabbed her hand. She looked a bit better so we sat like that through all of the first class. I think we were like that all day.

(Shannons POV)

"Hey its Shannon, right?" Chelsey asked me. I nod my head.

"How would you like to be one of us?" Rosalie asked me. I paused for a moment, is she serious ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be accepted. "OKAY!" I respond back.

"Okay, all you have to do is dump your little friends, dye your hair a solid normal color, get rid of any piercing other than ears, and wear normal clothes," Lavender told me. I agree hesitantly after they mention Johnnie and Alex, but I wanted to be accepted.

"Great, looking forward to seeing the new you tomorrow!" Chelsey said and the whole crew walked off. I heard a slight whimper behind me. I turned to see what it was and it was Alex trying to fight tears. Before she could say anything she was cut off by tears and ran off.

(Johnnies POV)

I saw Alex running in the halls towards the school exit. I followed her and grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Alex baby, what's wrong?" I asked her, thinking I already knew the answer scared me, but she pointed in the direction of Shannon and the girls.

"It's gonna be okay," I told Alex. She shook her head. She just shrugged her shoulders. I could tell she was hurt badly. Alex was never quiet unless she was around the popular group. If Shannon was going to ditch us for the popular group and change her image then she doesn't deserve us.

(Shannons POV)

I pulled out my phone and texted Bryan.

S- Hey Bryan, can you come get me from school?

B-Wasn't Johnnie gonna drop you off?

S- He was but something happened today.

B-Ok, I will be there soon.

B- What about your stuff over at Johnnie's house?

S- You're gonna have to swing by and get it.

S- Also on our way home can we get me black hair dye?

B- Ok!

S-Thanks, Bryan!

B- No problem but when you get in the car you're explaining what happened.

S- Ok...

B- See you soon!

S- See ya!

"Get in!" I heard Bryan yell from the car. As soon as I got in he was demanding for answers.

"Ok, so the popular group asked me to join them." I paused. "I said yes because I have always wanted to be popular since I was a little girl." I paused again "I wasn't going to tell Johnnie and Alex but they overheard our conversation." I finished explaining what happened and we got to the store. I ran in and grabbed the hair dye, checked out, and went back to the car. After a few minutes of driving, we were at Johnnie's. Bryan got my stuff then we went to his house. I did my homework, dyed my hair all black, took all my piercings out, and laid my clothes out for the next day.

(Johnnies POV)

Alex dozed off in the car and she was still asleep when we were home so I carried her up to my room and left her sleeping peacefully. While she was sleeping I made dinner and we had a dinner date at my house without my mom or sisters because they were out having a girls night. While we were talking she gave me ideas for her 18th birthday, and now that I have ideas, I know what I'm going to do. We watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and we both ended up falling asleep during the movie. Alex had her head on my chest and her hand in mine. I was laying straight out with her hand in mine. 

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