Part 8

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Part 8

The two stared at one another silently, either of them making any moves to get up or to leave, their eyes trailing over one another and remembering things about one another they had learned. No one bothered to break the silence, not yet anyways. The grey bleakness of the rooftop almost matched the emotion that settled between the two, a feeling of desperation and melancholy residing over them in breathy tendrils that lingered and flexed over their presence like a sickness planning to desecrate them when it was over. The hollowness of the non existent sky that swirled about the meteor bringing a downfall of shade and sorrow. 

Karkat finally cut the silence with his voice, starting low and squeamish before reaching his normal volume, attempting to sound strong and booming as usual, only to sound like a scared mouse, "W-Where is rose asshat?"

"I could ask you the same thing-" Dave replied breathlessly, his voice seeming at ease but with a tint of nervousness only because the love of his life whole hated him was sitting a few feet away. 

He slowly turned around and made his way to the door, assuming maybe there was an error in instructions on roses part, "I'll just leave you alone I guess-" 

"Wait Dave." Karkats lip quivered a bit and he quickly sucked in his emotions, trying to hide them a little longer. Dave turned around and faced the trolls back, eyes widened in shock that Karkat had spoken to him again. "Yeah?" 

Karkat timidly played with the hem of his sweater before gently removing a hand from the edge of the material and patting the space next to him, attempting to be civilized. He had already registered exactly what Rose had planned at this point, knowing she was trying to help him through the only true way, answers. He really shouldn't have had avoided Dave for as long as he had, maybe he had been too harsh on him? Regardless anytime he defended the human a flash of that memory stabbed him mercilessly as if to crush any of his hopes. 

Dave slowly proceeded forward and sat down on the ledge close to the small troll, slowly removing his shades and placing them in his lap. The sat close to one another in silence, neither of them willing to take the next step over the threshold but one of them had to.

"Why the fuck did you kiss her Dave? Why not tell me you lost interest and go with her? Why did you have to string me along like I was some fucking- s-some fu-" he began crying, his lip quivering, head buried in his palms as he let his frustration and despair rush free through tears and sniffles. 

Daves arms shot around the trolls shoulders and hugged him close into his chest, gently rubbing his back as he nuzzled his neck, softly whispering in his ear,"I never kissed her" 

Karkat froze and pulled back. "But I fucking saw you! You kissed her and she kissed you and-" 

"You walked in the exact moment she forced herself on me Karkat. I know it looked bad but I was trying to get away. She supposed me and then you walked in and then you left and fuck Karkat I was scared that we would never get a chance to clear this shit up ever again. I fucking- i love you karkat. I would never intentionally hurt you like that." He was looking at karkat with pleading eyes, and Karkat almost faltered.

"But what about all those times you ditched me to fucking hang with Terezi?" He asked, the story not completely adding up. 

"I had used that as an excuse majority of the time... to make you this for you- it was going to be our two month anniversary gift-"

Dave pulled out something from his pocket and handed it to Karkat, his eyes widening as tears weld up into his eyes, he couldn't believe he had jumped to conclusions and didnt even think about other possibilities. In Daves hand was a beautiful heart shaped pendant, and when Karkat opened it inside was a quote from a sandler movie of his, "forever and always babe". 
"Its- fuck- im so sorry!" Karkat cried softly, clutching the pendant in his hand. "No shush Karkat, im sorry, i should have just said i was busy, not say i was hanging with someone when i wasnt. This is mostly my fault." 

The two hugged, Karkat crying into Daves shoulder, and Dave rubbing his back soothingly. They stayed like this for what seemed like hours, comforting one another as the meteor continued on. 

This incident was one of the many few shakes in their relationship, the two sometimes bickering about meaningless things and such, but the biggest conflict of now had been resolved. 

When time had come to end the game, having defeated Lord English and Jack Noir, nobody was for sure on what would happen next. Where would they go? Would they remember one another? Would they be together on a planet or separate? 

These questions coursed through their minds, thoughts filled with worry and excitement. 

As John stood before the door, hand inching closer to open it, Dave grasped Karkats hand in his own and gave him a reassuring squeeze just as everything shifted.

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