Chapter Twelve

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Weeks go by, Mason and I continue to go out regularly. We go to movies, go on walks down the riverwalk, go to The Pit with El and Luke, and many other random adventures that Mason somehow comes up with. I always have fun with Mason but in our quiet moments together there are a few things I just cannot help but to think about. The first thing is how I am I ever supposed to tell this boy about my past, the second is what is his past, and lastly, why won't he kiss me. For the last few weeks these thoughts have haunted me, I try to dodge the more serious two and zero in on the no lip locking one. Yes, he kisses my cheek, forehead, temple, and hand which don't get me wrong I adore but there has not been any kissing of the lips. I assume he is waiting till we are officially together, which is something I've been trying to get up the courage to ask about. Then there is also the Nathan debacle, which I'm so confused about I just cannot even think about it. Nate and I have not talked for real since he blew up at me, I do not count his fake smiles and conversations about the weather as true communication. Instead of facing my Mason problems I tackle the Nathan one instead. On Friday afternoon when I know he's getting back from class I plant myself on the floor in front of the boy's front door and lean back against with a book in my hands to read while I wait.  After twenty five minutes my best friend comes stomping up the steps with textbooks in hand.
"Sammer? What are you doing on the floor?" he ask with his thick accent full with confusion.
I smack my book closed and say,
"I refuse to remove myself from this spot until we work out whatever happen that night you lost it. I want my Nater back. I need my Nater back, you're my pal."
Nathan rubs his hand over his face while he shakes his head, he sets his books down and takes a seat on the floor next me. I lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps me up under his arm and says,
"I was worried about you and overreacted. We're fine, I promise. You don't need me back Sammy girl because you never lost me. You never will lose me, I'm always there for you babe."
I give his cheek a kiss and lay back down on his shoulder, I hate fighting with him and it's always a weight off my shoulder when we make up. I let him in to his place and chill with Nate and Charlie until we have to head down to the cafe.
A couple hours into our shift there is finally a lull in the crowd long enough for Elena and I to take a break back in the kitchen with the boys. Elena and I are sat back with our feet up and our head leant back with closed eyes. After a few minutes the front door bell ring singling a customer is here,
We all groan, Charlie jerks his thumb towards the kitchen doors and says,
"Chop chop ladies. Get your butts back work!" We throw our towels and some insults at him and stand to stretch before heading back out. Suddenly a head pops into the kitchen and says,
"Apparently good help really is hard to find these days."
"GWEN!" We all yell with excitement.
Elena and I both bound for our ginger best friend and tackle her for a hug.
Gwen and I have been friends for years, we met in ballet class when were three. When I met Elena freshman year they hit it off instantly and became best friends as well. Gwen goes to school up in Mississippi and stops in randomly on her way there and back which is always a treat.
Elena hugs Gwen tight and squeals,
"What are you doing here?"
Gwen laughs and says,
"I'm on my way back to school and I got hungry so I was like my besties work at a cafe...FREE FOOD."
Charlie walks up and hugs her while saying,
"What makes you think I'll allow them to give you free food."
Gwen slaps his arm and says,
"Oh shut up Charlaton, your parents love me and always give me free food. So zip it and make me a cheeseburger with a side of fries stat." Nathan starts to laugh but Gwen cuts him off quick,
"I don't know why your laughing, Knight. Get started on a peach milkshake for me. Now."
I laugh too but stop when I see Gwen staring me down,
"What?" I ask.
Gwen grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs to our loft and yells over her shoulder,
"Charles! You're covering for our dear Samantha! Nathan when my order is done send it up with Elena then cover for her. Thank you for your services, boys!"
When we get up to my room we both flop on my fluffy bed in a fit of giggles. Gwen starts to smack my comforter and chant,
"Tell me about the boy! Tell me about the boy! Tell me NOW!"
I smirk and shrug,
"What boy?" I say mischievously.
Gwen shakes my shoulders and says,
"Samantha Anne Sinclair! I will strangle it out of you if I have too!"
At this time Elena walks in with Gwen's food and says,
"Order's up!" when she drops the take out box on my bed then jumps up on it herself.
"El! Make her tell me about the boy!" Gwen whines tugging on Elena's arm in frustration.
I roll my eyes in complete amusement and say,
"Learn his name and maybe I will."
Gwen bits her lip and thinks for a moment before Elena whispers,
"It's Mason."
Gwen looks at her and says,
"MASON." El and I yell.
For the next hour while Gwen eats while we fill her in on Luke and Mason, Gwen gushes and gushes over the boys.
After she's done eating she says,
"I don't need a boy I just need bread. Lots and lots of bread" causing El and I to erupt in a fit of giggles. We continue to chat for awhile until someone knocks on my door, Mason pokes his head in and in his perfect British accent he says,
"Hello ladies."
Without even thinking about it I hop of the bed and go hug Mason around his middle, he settles his arm around me and plants a quick kiss on the top of my head.
Gwen sticks out her hand and introduces herself in the only way Gwen would,
"Hi I'm Gwen. I'm one the best friend's of the amazing creature that you are holding in your arms. You hurt her I take those arms off and beat you with them. Got it?"
Mason squeezes me tighter and salutes with his other arm,
"Yes mam!"
Gwen continues to stare him down,
"I can make you cry like a little school girl."
Mason laughs and says,
"Not that I would ever dream of hurting her but I'm a bit more worried about what little Miss. Parker over there would do to me if I even caused Sammy to stub her pinky toe."
Elena jerked her chin up,
"That's right be afraid, Edgewood." she says.
I laugh and say,
"It's like another American Revolution between the two of you!"
Mason tickles my sides and joins in on our girl talk for awhile, everything was great until Mason asks Gwen how she and I met. I silently pray that she will only talk about our three year old ballet class but it was wishful thinking.
"We were inseparable until we were thirteen but we talked everyday on the phone even after she moved down her to her Aunt Karen's house."
Mason looks down at me and says, "Why did you move?"
I look to the floor to avoid eye contact with anyone, Elena quickly changes the subject. For the next hour the other three share awkward small talk and I just stand there fiddling with my necklace; eyes trained on the wall like it may change at any moment. When it's time for Gwen to leave she hugs me and tells me to call her tomorrow. Elena walks her out to her car, I continue to just stand where I was. Mason takes my hand and drags me out to his car, we go to The Pit and sit at a table in the back. Mason shakes my shoulder to get me to look at him,
"Hey. I'm going to go get you some Diet Dr. Pepper and a order of chips. Sound good?"
I smile slightly say,
"On this side of the pond we say fries not chips. In America chips are salty thin crunchy things that come in a bag that's really mostly filled with air not chips."
Mason rolls his eyes and mumbles,
"Always so sassy." as he walks away.
I sit there a reflect on all the memories tonight brought back, when Mason comes back with my Diet Dr Pepper and I start downing it immediately.
As I drink and eat, Mason watches me closely. When I finish the fries and I'm on refill number two of my drink he says,
"You don't have to tell me anything." Mason takes my hand then continues, "but if you ever do I'm all ears, love."
I sit back and take a long sip of the sweet liquid then look the sweetest boy I've ever met in the eye and tell him my story.

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