Chapter Twenty Five

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Sam's point of view
I was practically asleep on Mason's shoulder when he got up to answer his phone. When he got up, I shifted over to lay on Charlie's shoulder.
"I'm sorry." I mumble as I settle on his shoulder.
Charlie puts a brotherly arm around and squeezes me tight.
"For what?" he whispers.
"For being on your case about El."
Charlie is quiet for a moment, "I do like her, like that. But I would never bother things between her and Luke. I care about her and I just want her to be ok."
I nod my head, I was far too tired to process that information.

I was almost asleep again when Mason shakes my arm,
"Sammy wake up."
I groan and Charlie pinches me. "Ow!" I holler and I smack his head.
I look up at Mason, I expect to see him smiling but instead he find him looking a little stressed out.
Mason runs a worried hand through his hair, "Luke is in trouble. I have to go back." My blood runs cold and I shoot up,
"I'm coming with you."
Mason starts to protest but Charlie interrupts him. "I'm coming too." he says. Everybody talking above a whisper wakes Nathan. "What are y'all talking about?" he says with a yawn.
"Luke is an idiot so we are going back." Charlie says. I narrow my eyes at him, he shakes his head at me silently telling me not to worry.
"I'm going if y'all are going." Nathan says with a clap of his hands.
We all three stare at Mason, waiting for him to challenge us.
"Fine. We are leaving but we are leaving in 5."

An hour later we are walking into the boy's flat and Luke is sitting on the couch and is sweating bullets.
"What heck Luke?" I exclaim and walk over to him. Luke stands and puts his hands up in surrender.
"My Mom needed help with the bills this month. I needed some extra money. What was I supposed to do?"

Charlie stomps forward furiously, "Then you pull some extra shifts at the Pit or ask for help you idiot! You promised Elena that you were done with this shit!"
Luke shakes his head, "I don't want El to know about this."
Charlie walks to his room and mutters "dick" before slamming his door.
I look at Nathan, "We are not lying to El."
Nathan nods his head in agree, "No way. Elena has the right to know. It's not her fault you can't seem to stay out of trouble."

Before Luke can say anything else I step in, "Let's all get some sleep. It's late and we are going to have a long day tomorrow."

Luke opens his mouth to say more but I glare at him, "Want me to call El and get her opinion on the matter?"
Luke rubs his face and paces for a moment, "My mom lost her job a month ago. She's been looking but nothing's come up yet, I didn't have a choice, Sam."
I shake my head at Luke, "I'm sorry to hear that Luke but you had other options. You were just too proud to ask for help and look what happened. You could of ask Charlie's parents for job at the Touchdown or heck anyone of us would of helped you. Now I'm done talking about this, I'm tired, pissed off, and I want to go to bed. Goodnight."
I head towards the door to go to my loft with Mason following close behind me.
I turn around so quickly that Mason runs into me.
"I said goodnight." I say with enough bite to make Luke stop talking.
Before either one of us can even take another breath, Mason takes my waist and turns me back towards the door. Before we walk out the
"Let's meet down in the cafè before opening tomorrow. We need to start early. Get some sleep, buddy." Mason pushes me out the door towards my place,
"C'mon you little fireball." he jokes. I laugh and tug him into my apartment, "If you think I'm sleeping alone in my creepy and empty loft, you are so very crazy!"
Mason laughs and pulls me in for a kiss. After a few minutes of Mason's very good kissing, he pulls away. He smirks down at me,
"If you thought for even a second then I'd ever let you sleep alone in your creepy and empty apartment then you are so very very crazy." he says in his perfect British accent. I shake my head lovingly up at him,
"Ready for bed?" I ask. Mason nods his head before leaning down to kiss me again. I wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss.
I pull away for a moment,
"Maybe you should sleep on the couch."
Mason smirks mischievously before saying, "I can behave."
Then he leans down and kisses me again, this time he pulls away.
"Yeah I think you were right about the couch." he says sheepishly.

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