Chapter Twenty One {Part 2} Elena's Point Of View

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I step out on the porch and cross my arms tightly across my middle. I pace for a moment before Luke catches my wrist which I immediately yank back.
"Don't touch me. I'm mad at you." I spout, my inner Italian fire flaring up inside me. Luke puts his hands up in surrender,
"Sorry babe just trying to save you from waring down those converse anymore than you already have." he says trying to make light of the situation, classic Luke maneuver.
"Don't make jokes." I tell him as I continue to pace.
I go back and fourth a few more times before I actually look at him. He looks good tonight, he's wearing the black and red flannel shirt I've stolen a million times and has his SnapBack on backwards on top of his dirty blonde hair. He's leaning up against the door fighting off a smirk as he chews on his thumbnail,
"What are you smirking at? This isn't a laughing matter!" I say with a stomp of my foot.

Luke did not give my childish stomp any commentary but did give a unattractive snort,
"What so funny, Payne?" I say as I stride over to him. Once I get within arms reach, he takes my hand and gently tugs me into his strong embrace.
"You're cute when you're mad." he says simply, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
I push against his chest and fight against hold on me,
"Let me go!"
He shakes his head and keeps one hand on the small of my back and one on the back of my neck. When he kisses me it feels like an apology, he pulls away Luke presses our foreheads together.
"I'm sorry." he whispers.
I open my eyes so I can look into his blue ones,
"I'm still mad at you." I whisper back.
He nods his head,
"But you aren't going to murder me?" he asks with a smirk.
I shrug,
"I don't feel like going on the lamb and I'd have to find a new lover. Plus you're a good kisser, it would be a sin to kill that kind of talent."

Luke laughs and goes in to kiss me in again but I dodge his lips,
"Luke Leonardo Payne, you are SO done with this crap. Got it? If it happens again I'm done. Promise me you are done."

Luke leans his head back in embarrassment,
"Was using my middle name necessary?" he groans.
I poke his tickle spot which makes him give another unattractive snort,
"Luke! Focus! Promise me you are done." I say seriously

It's a rare occasion but Luke gets serious, he places a hand on either side of my face.
"I promise."
I nod my head,
"Good." I say
Then he says something completely unexpected,
"I love you, Elena Parker."
I just stare at him, I thought he'd be upset I did not say it back but he smiles.
"You don't have to say it till you're ready. Just let me love you." he says and pulls me into one of his warm hugs.

This boy is going to be the death of me, I just hope he keeps his promise.

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