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"Hey! Can you chill for just one sec?"
Says Payton

"No, no I can't. Are you even listening to the news?! People are getting sick, we need to move."
I command

We walk into the living room where the TV is. We are fighting and arguing about the sickness that has been going on.

"Payton if we don't leave now, we will get sick and everything will be terrible.
I tell Payton as I try to get her on my side

"James we are fine. None of our neighbours have gotten sick. They would say something if they did."
Payton says as she looks out the window

"I know we are not fine. First of all the neighbours are probably sick already and dying so they can't say anything."
I say as I walk towards the TV

*if you are in the western coast of California you must evacuate immediately! The mysterious sickness is very powerful and is killing there victims! Pack up and leave now!*
The TV and all the lights shut off

"See babe? We have to leave. Even the TV told us too."
I say as I start to pack up clothes

"Ugh fine. I hope we are safe. What if we get the sickness?!"
Payton says with a worried face

"Don't worry your safe with me. I won't let any sickness get to yo-"
I was interrupted by a slamming sound on the front door

I look down the hall, I see nothing at the door. I walk towards the hallway closet and get a baseball bat and walk to the door slowly. Payton runs behind me with the broom.

"Hello?! Who's there? I'm coming out , and I'm armed. If you want to hurt us you better think twice!"
I scream at the unusual suspect

"What if its a robber with a gun?!! Honey be careful. If you die, It will be the end for me."
Payton whispers to me

Now I'm at the door. I look out the door window frame and see a man. A man who looks drunk by the way he is standing and wobbling around. I open the door and he bursts in! he tackles me and I grab him by his shoulders pulling him off of me. then I kick him upwards where he went flying above me. I didn't notice I threw him towards Payton! The man falls on her and bites her leg. I grab him and use the baseball bat to smash his head in.

"Does that count as murder?"
I laugh then immediately stop seeing Payton

"Holy crap he bite me! like really chewed a piece off of me! I need help"
Payton cries out while bleeding everywhere

I pick her up and take her to the bathroom. As I bandage her wound up I forgot the front door was wide open! so I walk out to shut it when I see a Hurd of guys who were just like the first one. they start to moan and groan as they stumble my way. I go to Payton and pick her up and run out the backdoor...

The walking deceaseWhere stories live. Discover now