New friends

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"Hey! who let this guy in? Do you have any idea what you just did?"
Yells Andrea

"Hi I'm rick nice to meet you too"
I say to Andrea as she waves a gun in my face

"Look we need to get out of the city before the doors break downstairs. They will come for us and they won't stop till we are dead."
Glenn says as he packs up his stuff

I had just figured out the world had ended. I meet a friend and he tells me to come to the city. He said the city was safe and had shelter... he was wrong. The city was full of walkers here an there. I just got my butt saved by some Asian guy and his friends.

"Excuse you, I am Korean"
Screams Glenn

"Do you have to write your dairy now? if you didn't notice the world is coming to a end."
Says merle as he laughs and walks away

"I'm sorry if I wanted to make a few notes on my life. What if someone finds this and knows we were here. Then if they have supplies and stuff they could find us."
I say as I start to write in my journal

Anyways we needed a plan to get it of the city and back to the camp these people keep talking about. I was thinking when I was interrupted by gun shots. It was merle

"Hey! What are you doing?! Your attracting more walkers you retard."
Tyreese yells as he grabs the gun out if merles hand

"I'm sorry for helping! you guys should be great full. we got a Asian, a Mexican, a blondie, a house wife from the hood, and a nigga."
He yells at everyone

Immediately Tyreese lunges towards merle and attacks him. Merle swings around and pushes Ty on the ground. He gets on top of him and punches him one after the other. Others tried to get merle off of him but he would punch them back. Then I had enough. I grab a gun and hit him with it hard enough for him to stop punching Ty. I get my handcuffs and lock his hand to a nearby pole.

"Look here MERLE, no one is a *nigga*. Your gonna be stuck here till you learn that we aren't the threat. walkers are."
I try to convince him

"What are you gonna do? Put me in jail? hahaha. Oh no here comes officer friendly"
He laughs and ignores everything I said

I help Ty up and put him against he wall. I gave him the key to the cuffs. I thought that if he forgave him he could unlock him.

I look down the building and see all the walkers coming towards the door. they were getting stronger and we needed to get out. Then I thought of a plan. We need to get passed them without dying. Well why can a walker detect you? They smell you.

Out in the ally we kill a walker and drag it in. We suit up with trench coats and gloves. Glenn and I had axes, we chopped the body up to pieces. Blood went everywhere. the guts got stuck to the axe and when I lifted to axe to chop the guts went flying.

"Ok don't get the blood on your skin. make sure you get everywhere. We have to smell like them."
I say as they rub blood and guts all over Glenn and I

"Ewww! ugh this smells horrible! I can't even. Ewww ugh I'm gonna be sick!"
Glenn whines

When we got done rubbing guts on each other, we grab the axes and left the building.

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