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I run out the back with a Hurd of crazy people chasing me. I have Payton in my arms wondering what she is thinking. Im running when I see a barn that was abandoned for years. As I run in I drop Payton on some hay and slam the doors behind me! I used hay stacks to block the door.

"Ok I think we are safe in here."
I say thinking we are trapped forever

"Babe I don't feel good. My leg really hurts, that guy really bit me!"
Payton says as she slowly falls asleep

"Hey stay with me! your ok. its gonna be ok..."
I tell her and myself

the doors started to shake and rattle. it was the crazy people who wanted to eat us for some reason. the doors start to open up since the hay was a few years old. I pick up half asleep Payton and look for a way out. but the only way was a ladder to a window. before I could come up with a plan the doors burst open and the crazy people pile in! The sound of the doors slamming woke up Payton

"Omg babe we need to get out of here! We both wont live if we don't move now!"
Payton screams at me

"No. only you"
I say as I start to cry

"Wait wha-"

I through down Payton and rush to the ladder! her screams were the only thing that slowed me down. She kept calling my name and screaming! I finally got to the window and see the people chewing her skin and ripping her guts piece by piece. blood fills the room along with her dreadful screams that would never leave my mind. I would see the walkers just chewing on her and ripping her skin apart. blood would squirt everywhere, it was horrifying.

I climb down the outside window and take a lighter out of my pocket. It's a zippo luckily, so I throw the flame down and jump of the building. I back up a few feet and the building burst into flames. not knowingly the flame attracts more crazy people.

I see them and I run towards to road to the city. As I'm running crazy people from all over see me and stumble my way. it was good they are slow, but some where speed walking and that was just horrifying! I run up a hill only to see a city of fire and explosions. the city had search lights on and helicopters everywhere.

Suddenly I hear a sound. I look over at the road to the highway that goes into the city. leaving the city I see a truck. I start to run toward the truck and get there attention. They slow down and stop next to me.

"Omg hi uh I need help! there are these people who attacked my-"
I was interrupted by a man

He says

"Come again?"
I say confusingly

"The *people* are walkers. they are dead and will eat you till you turn Into one of them."
He says with a straight face

"But that's impossible-"
I'm interrupted again

"Look do you want to live or not? if you do I suggest you to get on the truck."
Says mr. bossy pants

I got into the truck and I see a woman and a little boy. the man drives away and we continue our conversation.

"The name is Shane. I was a sheriff. this is lori and her son Carl."
Says Shane

"*her* son? where's the father?"
I ask


"He is dead"
Says Carl as he looks out the window

"Oh... I'm sorry"
I apologise
"Well I'm James and thank you for letting me come with you. I'm... alone"
I say

"We have a camp we are going to. you will fit in. you will be safe."
Lori pitches in

"Thank you"
I say ...

The rest if the ride was a slow conversation. no on really said anything. I didn't really want to talk. I couldn't. All I could hear was paytons screams. they replayed in my head. over and over again. then I would see her body on the ground with... walkers around her. her body looks inside out, all the guts and blood were out. blood was here and there. then one walker looks up at me, his face reminded me of myself. it looked like he was sad and wanted to die. his face kept appearing in my brain....

The walking deceaseWhere stories live. Discover now