Chapter 5 - The Great Chase

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I woke bright and early the following morning to an owl tapping at the window. After a quick glance checking it wasn't Binx, which it wasn't, I grabbed my wand and pointed it towards Katie who was still sleeping peacefully.

"Rictusempra." I muttered, grinning as a thin line of silvery light shot from my want and hit Katie on her hand that was dangling from her bed. She groaned and rolled over, facing away from me.

"Guess you aren't ticklish then,' I mumbled, talking to the still sleeping Katie. Sighing, I went to my last resort.

"Levicorpus!' I yawned, letting out a short burst of giggles as Katie let out a little squeal, being hoisted into the air by her ankle.

"I'm going to kill you Chloe!" She threatened, only causing me to laugh even harder.

"What's going on?" Angelina grumbled, only to stare, wide eyed, at a still floating Katie. "Oh my god, Chloe, let her down!" She said through a fit of giggles while Katie glared at us all. Complying, I released Katie, who landed with a slight 'Ooof' on her bed.

"Sorry Katie, I tried a tickling charm but it didn't work, so I had to do that,' I grinned, earning another death look.

"Why'd you have to wake me! It's only six, breakfast isn't until ages away." She groaned. It was then I remembered the owl, which had been waiting patiently outside the window. It gave a little hoot as I pointed to it.

"There's an owl." I stated, though it seemed pretty obvious. Katie huffed but got out of bed and opened the window, letting the owl hop inside and deliver its letter.

"Thanks, it's from Mum." She told us as she sat and ripped it open. Since I was already awake I rolled out of bed and pulled on my uniform. I gasped as my feet hit the cold stone floor hurried to put on my socks. If the Gryffindor Common Room and Dormitories were cold, you could guarantee that the rest of the castle was freezing.

Luckily, I had Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts today, which meant I could at least be warmer in the castle, but unfortunately, I also had Care of Magical Creatures, which meant going out into the grounds.

I grabbed my bag and headed down to the Common Room, yelling at Angelina to wake up as I went. I met Hermione half way down.

"Morning Hermione, why the early wake up?" I stifled a yawn, plopping down into an armchair. Hermione had her normally bushy hair tied back and was dressed warm with gloves and a scarf.

"I wanted to go see Hagrid, see what he was planning for classes this year. I don't want another 'Buckbeak' situation." I grimaced, remembering all to well the failure that was Hagrid's first lesson.

"Well, good luck, it looks glacial out there. You also might need an umbrella." Cringing, Hermione wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck.

"Thanks, I'll say hello to Hagrid for you!" She headed out the portrait hole, leaving me alone. Looking at the clock on the wall, I decided it was time the twins woke up too, and hopefully they were ticklish.


"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD CHLOE," I shrieked with laughter, watching as Fred and George dangled from the ceiling, just as Katie had, though this time they were crying from laughter. I smiled, glad the tickling charm worked on some people. I grinned wickedly, knowing that they couldn't do anything until I let them down. Fred was yelling all sorts of obscenities, from insulting me to straight out blasphemy.

Gasping for breath, I sat down on Lee's bed and quickly muttered the counter curse to the tickling charm. Lee, who sat beside me, looked like Christmas had come early.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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