Meet Robin

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In the middle of the night I couldn't sleep and so I listened to foot steps and soon followed them and found Robin sitting at the TV then he turned it on and a movie was on a home movie there was a little Robin walking about with a man and woman "Robin?" I said he looked at me his eyes looked red like he was crying " Phoebe!? I was uh" I stopped him in the middle of his babbling "I understand, my parents abandoned me when I lit my first fire" he wiped away a tear "I just....miss them" he smiled I looked at him then a light came on Robin turned off the TV "What is going on?" Starfire said sleepily then her eyes widened as the thought of what happened went through her head "WHAT IS GOING ON???!!!" She yelled Beast Boy grabbed my shoulder "Ha Ha Ha......your dead" I nodded and walked into the kitchen while Cyborg made a small door to keep her out where me and the others sat about drinking coffee "So what your saying is that you were getting up early and Phoebe was looking for water?" Raven said we nodded "I don't believe it" she continued "Ya why won't you tell us that you too kissed?" Beast Boy smiled I blushed "What? I litarly only met him/her yesterday!" We said "I ship it" said Raven "Me too" said Cyborg "Me number after two" said Beast Boy then Cyborg dropped to the ground with a giant hole in his chest "Woah! You better run" he said I ran out of the way of Starfire what a weird night....

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