Chapter 2

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"Kitty! It's your turn!"

I've been here a total of seven hours. More than double my usual time.

I do a quick over view of my outfit and start towards the stage.

Everything I wear is slütty. So seeing myself in the most skimpiest lingerie humanly possible, doesn't bother me. Not one bit.

Today's theme at the club is animal. So me being "Kitty", I've been dressing up as different types of cats. I even did Siamese cat thing with Stacy Lacey, another stripper.

And so far, I'm a posh cat. White lingerie, with a cat tail. White fish net stockings, garter belts, 7 inch heel, plus my hair and make up done on point.

Walking up on stage, I do a once over the crowd, checking out everyone. I found a man in a suit, holding a large wad of cash. I knew who my target is.

You see, every time I go on stage, there is always that one man who is worth more of my time. And that's the one I put more effort into seducing.

Swaying my hips to the electric music in the back, I grasped the pole and did a little twirl. The man's eye were ablaze with lust. Just what I wanted.

My simple twirling soon began to my hanging upside down with my legs wide open. From that it went to me about to fall on my face but stopping at the exact moment I planned on.

The dollar bills were flying around me. The feeling of seeing cash everywhere is something I'll never get over.

I'm defiantly going to get the money for Steph's and my new place.

I was shaking my áss in the man's face when I was ripped off the stage. I screamed and I saw Dony and some other bouncers rush over to the scene. A horrifying growl erupts and shakes the building, sending terrified shiver down my spine. I seriously felt like I was going to pee myself.

"Get off me you creep!" I yell, trying to rip myself away from him. I take a quick peak over my shoulder and feel all the color drain from my face. It was him.


The scary Jessie from Pack House. The one that was following my car and chasing after me. Yup, that guy.

His eyes were a blaze, full of inner rage. The thought of what will happen to me next had to praying to the angels for help. Oh gosh, I'm gonna die.

Dony and the other men brought out their guns and pointed them at us, well at Jessie.

His grip on me tightened, closing off my flow of oxygen. I'm not sure if he noticed, but once I started squirming and gasping for air. I think it finally hit him that he's choking me. He quickly let go of me.

I dropped to the flow, taking in as much air as possible. And from then, one of the guards took the first shot.

The bullet went right through Jessie's shoulder, he didn't even flinch, yet he was bleeding.

I felt a harsh stabbing sensation on my shoulder. It almost felt like I was jabbed with a knife. My hand flew to aid my shoulder, praying no one had shot me by accident. But nothing. No blood and no marks. Just the awful pain.

The door burst open just seconds later. The other strippers screamed and even some men as well. Even more men came in, but they weren't from the club or the police force. And from what I could tell, they were with Jessie. In the group of men, I saw Levi, Edwin, and Ethan.I actually thought Ethan was a cool guy, guess I was wrong.

The men in the club started the race out of the place with some of the practically nude strippers right behind them. Now it was just us. Jessie and his gang, the guards, and me.

While everyone was distracted, I was crawling on the floor gathering money. I know, stupid. But I need this shít. I need to move out of that tiny studio apartment. And I know none of the guys will shoot at me, so I should be safe. I'll collect as many dollars as I can, then sneak out. Simple.

Crawling on my hands and knees, I started grabbing as much money as possible. I shoved it everywhere on me, leaving my hands free to collect more cash. I had money in my fish nets, bra, thong, hair, shoes, and more in my bra.

Once I felt I had enough, I went straight for the exit. I heard the sound of knuckles hitting skin and gun shots everywhere. Then along side all this commotion, I kept on hearing growls. But everything went silent, sadly, when they heard the door creak open as I was trying to escape.

Everyone's eyes turn to me, and for the first time in forever, I felt bare. And I'm use to being bare, but I felt the full impact of it just now.

I see Jessie pushing through all the men, but some holding him back. I leave the building, taking out my car keys. I keep those also in my bra, and for a good reason. Now is a perfect example of why.

Running in heels is nothing to me, but when I have to be careful and make sure the money doesn't fall, yup that's hard.

Finally I reach my car. I do a little prayer, thanking whoever helped me. Staring up the car, I drove off, skidding across the cement.

I don't know how fast I was going, but seeing as a stupid fücking cop decided the best time to pull over someone for speeding would be right now. And me being the dumbáss I am, was like, nope.

I sped faster and away from the police car. But what surprised me was seeing a random wolf pop in the middle of the street, just standing there. I try to swerve away, so I don't hit the animal. But my car flips.

I feel my whole world spin, glass around me. No glass is everywhere, and I'm still spinning.

The car stopped. No more flips or spins. No more of my head hitting the top of the car. Nothing. Just me and my destroyed car.

I look in one of the pieces of glass, checking at the damage that was done. My face is covered in blood, and everything white I wore is either dirty or bloody. My pretty hair now is a knotted mess with ripped bills dug inside.

Something gets in my eyes. I try to wipe it away, but seeing how it was my blood that was getting in my eye. The only thought I had at the moment was.

I hate animals.

I hate wolves.

That stupid wolf is what caused all this.

No, that stupid Pack House is at fault.

Jessie is the main blame.

I did nothing wrong. Nothing. And yet this is all happening to me. Why me?

Wait, what's going on. I hear sirens. But I can't see. Blood is blocking my sight of vision. What's happening?

I put my hand to my head, feeling for a cut. And yup, I found it. And boy did it hurt. It hurt like a motherfücker.

The blood kept on coming out, by the gallons. It wouldn't stop, and I didn't even know what's the first step to treat it.

But this all stopped when I heard the sound of gas coming out. And I knew, shít was about to go down. And yes it did.

Because get this. I heard a loud boom sound and then I don't know what happened. Because I couldn't breath, see, and my whole body wasn't working. I'm pretty sure I'm dead.

I know this is all over the place, but I'm like really tired right now. So this is my twilight zone work here.

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