Chapter 5

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Accidentally In Love by the Counting Crows was playing when I entered the car. I was in the passenger's seat with baby Melody behind me in her car seat, moving her legs and arms to the beat, but sadly messing up. It was adorable though.

Steph was driving the van, maneuvering through the streets. We were going about 90 right now on the highway.

I turn to look in back. Practically our whole apartment is in the trunk. Everything from clothes to Melody's crib to a cooler with what I'm guessing is food or formula bottles.

"Steph did you get my chest?" I ask her.

I see Steph nod, "Yeah, I got it."

I have this little chest under my bed. Filled with all my cash and belongings that are close to me. The money was supposed to be used for our new condo, but I guess its gonna be used for our next place or a plane ticket.

"So are you going to tell me what is going on and why you have that bruise on your jaw?" Steph harshly questions me. Knowing her, she's not mad just frustrated and confused.

"Well I'll sum it up for you. Remember how I told you about that crazy man, Jessie?" She nods. "Well, a couple days ago, when I was working. Jessie came in, with a group of men behind him. They and the bodyguards of The Rabbit Hole went into this huge gun fight. All the girls had left and I was sorta there. So I snuck out and was trying to drive home. But this giant dog or wolf thing came infront of my car on the highway and I accidentally flipped my car. I've been in the hospital here for the last couple of days, and the whole time that creep was watching me and shít-"

"No cursing in front of Melody," Steph interrupts my tale.

Rolling my eyes, I continue, "So today was my last day. Jessie then decides I'm going to back to his house to stay there for something. And I was like hel- heck, heck no. I was ready to bounce out of there, but when I was telling him off he got really pissed and grabbed my chin. He had a tight grip on it and that's why I have this ugly purple blob on my face."

She's silent. Not saying a single word. Just looking at her facial features, I'm noticing that she seems calm. As if collecting herself.

"Okay," she finally speaks after a minute or two. "I guess we're never coming back to this place again."

With that, we continued to drive. For hours on end. Only stopping for bathroom breaks, Melody getting cranky, and food. From what I'm guessing, we went from Miami to Jacksonville; we're fairly close to getting out of this god for saken' state and into Georgia. Or as I'm thinking it, 350 miles away from crazy Jessie.

Steph had picked me up from the hospital pretty early in the morning, and right now it's around 1:30pm.

"Hey Steph do you want me to switch with you? You've been driving awhile."

She agrees and pulls over to the side. Melody has been asleep most of the car ride, waking up randomly, wanting her mom or food. Poor Steph is forcing herself to stay awake, her eyes occasionally drooping down. Now I'm not one to want to get into another car crash, especially now that there are two sleeping passengers.

So instead of driving like a maniac, I go the correct speed limit.

Another five hours later, we're in Atlanta, Georgia. It's getting dark, so I find a hotel.

Another twenty minutes and I find a hotel to stay at. It's nice, doesn't look shady and has nice security.

I go into the underground parking lot, picking a spot closest to the doors.

"Steph come on, wake up. I found a hotel we could stay at for the night." I give her a little shake. She stirs for a bit before opening her eyes at me.

Steph lets out a little chuckle, "I thought this was all a bad dream. I guess not."

Guilt crashes down on me. I'm making her leave her life in Miami for me. She has a baby, and yet she's doing this for me.

It was a selfish thing to bring her into my drama. Granted without me, she'll have to get a job even though baby Mel is too young. Oh gosh, that's an arrogant thing to say.

"I'm sorry Steph, I didn't mean for all this to happen. I really didn't," I look down, ashamed with myself.

"Hey, don't think that way. Sophie, you were there for me all throughout my pregnancy, and when I lost my apartment, you let me live with you. Plus this isn't your fault, you didn't know going to that job interview was going to lead to all this craziness." She comforts me.

Steph always knows what to say to cheer me up.

She gets out of the car, stretching her back out. "Well time to wake up little Mel. Hopefully she won't keep us up the whole night." 

I smile at her. 

In a short amount of time, my life changed. I brought Steph and her daughter into my drama. I made us move away from Florida to a whole other state. I can only hope all this goes away. But knowing my luck I doubt it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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