Let's Play Haunted House

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Pixiv ID: 17870195

Warnings: Light mention of drug use..

Well, I wanted to post this on Halloween, but, meh. Decided to post it now. There's no smut... although... maybe I'll do it later. Maybe.

I just really wanted to write something with England wearing a nurse outfit. ;3;


Arthur was having a magnificent evening until Francis invaded his apartment; trying to convince him to go to a Halloween themed party.

No. No. He wouldn't leave his house. There were monsters out there. Any reasonable wizard knew that Halloween was the day where the monsters walked the land freely.

He would stay home. Protected, safe. Watching the telly and talking with his fairies.

However, the frog didn't seem to care about any of that and was trying to get him to go the stupid party, and, even worse: dressed up.

Of course he rejected the idea as soon as he opened the door to the bloody Frenchman disguised as a ghost or some shit, but Francis wasn't deterred.

And... that was why he was now in the car with said Frenchman, face flushed red, his thighs pressed together as he squirmed. He didn't remember putting on the sodding dress and the rest of the outfit for that matter. He only remembered Francis making him drink something and then... then... he didn't know.

"Francis, you perverted freak. Did you fucking drug me, you sodding excuse of a wanker?!" Arthur screeched, he just wasn't strangulating the frog's neck because said frog had tied his wrists with a fucking stethoscope.

"Huh?" The Frenchman smiled innocently as if he had no idea of what Arthur was talking about, "Of course not, mon ami. I would never, ever, do that do you!" He purred seductively, a hand trailing from the Brit's knees to the hem of the dress and Arthur actually lunged to bite his arm. The Frenchman quickly recoiled and focused on the road, clicking his tongue in a disapproving manner.

"I can't fucking believe you!" The Brit growled, shaking his head and hitting the back of it on the seat, time and time again. He couldn't believe the frog actually drugged him and dressed him up in this embarrassing nurse outfit.

"Don't worry so much, Arthur, it's a party, it's Halloween, you have to dress up!" Francis laughed wholeheartedly to which Arthur groaned and rolled his eyes, having to avoid face-palming.

He wanted to kill the other so badly. It was unbelievable.

"Arthur, why are you so stressed? I put you in such a nice outfit." A wink was sent to the Brit and he almost gagged, "We're going to a party, you need to... what do these Americans say...?" A pause, "Ah! Take that stick out of your ass."

"Fuck you, Francis."

"Well, I hope I do get some fucking done tonight, so..."

"Jesus Christ, Francis!" Arthur choked breathless and made an unhuman noise because no words could describe how much he wanted to yell and scream and hit the other. His hands hitched to grab the other's hair and drag him through the cold hard ground and hit him a few thousand times.

The frog laughed. He dared to laugh! The fucking wanker! His body trembled with the want to just crash the car, he didn't even care that he was in it, if only the frog would keep his slimy hands to himself.

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