An old friend

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You were yanked back into your guest room, finally released you rubbed your aching wrist as you did this Merida gave you a stern look.

"You didn't answer me! what do you think your doing!?!?! You cant just roam around whenever and wherever!! Now stay out of the clients way don't go bothering them! Got it!!" Merida says ranting on and on as she puts her hands on her hips.

"Yes..But can i at least go outside.. I wont go annoy anyone! You beg then much to your surprise she nods her head yes. "Thanks!" You say as you run up, hugs the startled woman and rushes out. 

You got far out in the forest for privacy as you sit cross legged in the grass and began to focus. You never had freedom to practice before now being alone will give you the chance especially out in a forest. 

"{Y/N}" Yelled Merida out in the distance, You opened your eyes at hearing that annoying woman's shrill voice to see its dark out. Time flies you thought as you hollered a reply to Merida as you head back to the sky temple. 

A few hours earlier that day~

Johnny and Liu Kang were having a conversation but speak of the devil, Raiden walked past them his staff in hand using it to support him. The two stopped ad rushed to his side.

"Lord Raiden you shouldn't be going about"

"Yeah the Bruce lee impostor is right you should stick in bed."

Raiden jerked from Liu Kangs hand. "I'm fine there is no need for you to worry and i have things to attend." Raiden said trying his hardest to mask the pain as he straightens up then in a flash of lightning he was gone.

Liu Kang and Johnny Cage both looked at each other then back to were Raiden once was.

Meanwhile mourning time with the kombatants, Johnny,Sonya,Jax,Liu Kang and Kung Lao all sitting at the table eating breakfast. 

"Lord Raiden hasn't came back sense, im beginning to worry.." Liu Kang said as he barely touches his food.

"He could be just concerned for the tournament you know how much he wants to protect earth realm Liu." Kung Lao said taking a bite of his egg rolls.

"Yeah well mr sharp hat you haven't really been there!" Johnny said as he wears his famous shades. 

Kung Lao narrowed his eyes at the star. "I know him way more then you hes like a father to me and Liu and why would you care!? the only thing you ever cared about is yourself!" Kung Lao said anger in his words.

Johnny looked angered by that he opened his mouth probably to curse back but was interrupted.

"Boys stop fighting! but as much as i hate to say it i agree with Johnny, Raidens been acting strange, Me and Jax has noticed and talked about it. We thought that maybe we should ask someone who knows Raiden more then us, Liu Kang, Kung Lao  do you know anyone who knows Raiden more then you two? Sonya said breaking up the fight and in good timing to Johnny was just going to call him a little sh.t not even going to make sense that's how he is when hes mad.

Liu Kang and Kung Lao both seem to ponder on the thought. Kung lao was first to speak up "I think i know."

Somewhere else~

In a flash of lightning there stood the thunder god Raiden who after having council with the elder gods returned disappointed at not getting any real answers as he walks back to his sky temple. You headed back to the forest you like practicing in after having breakfast of course turns down a hallway. You knock over someone, Yelping in surprise, you eyes closed shut as you fall over but at finding your landing strangely comfy did you opened your eyes and couldn't stop staring at the white pair before your who also stared back into yours. As much as that hurt and doesn't really liked to be touch by mortals he didn't sheath from  her touch but stared into her {E/C} like in a trance from Quan Chi. A few moments of staring you snapped out of it blinking back to reality you quickly got up.

"Im so so sorry um my lord." You said your face red with embarrassment as you bow your head and held out your hand for him to grab a hold.

Raiden also got his senses back and accepted your hand as you pull him up did you notice a tingling feeling you look at his arm to see electricity running don his arm sparking over him.  you scream and lets go dropping Raiden onto the floor. Raiden closes his eyes and cringes at the pain he sits up and looks up at you as you run off he just wondered if he did something to frighten her. He finally manages to get off the ground as he holds his staff for support, he carries in to the temple.

 Back with you~

You stop and put your back up against a tree as you take deep breaths. You wanted to avoid him at all costs and know this happens, you always been afraid of lightning and thunder sense the accident. you closed your eyes as tears begins to fall. 

Back with Raiden~

Raiden upon entering the temples main doors stopped to see all the kombatants talking to an old friend of his. "Fujin?" 

{ Well...XD anyone else see Johnny cursing!!?... no ok.. Well I hoped you liked it anywho Enjoy! Or to not to!}

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