Chapter One

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Hey guys! So I'm new but I had wattpad before. I deleted my account and restarted! Hope you enjoy this book!!


Here I was.

Lying here in bed. Not bothering to move.

Who wants to move on a Tuesday morning when it's your first day back after summer break?

I rolled over to inspect my room. My walls glittered pink as the sunlight hit it through the white blinds. My wardrobe was on the far left. The wood a light brown, contrasting well with my walls as it shone due to sunlight. I rolled over again to inspect my other half. I had a dressing table underneath my window, which looked out over a range of hills and mountains at the far back. My mirror had 3 sides, because I was a perfectionist when it came to my hair. My desk was on the right, opposite my wardrobe. All my furniture was the same. All the wood brown as I liked everything to be matching.

I dragged myself out of bed, and strolled to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and I wished I didn't. My hair was all over my face, with a bit if drool down the left side of my mouth.

I stripped out of my primark onesie and jumped into the shower.

I was out of the shower in 10 minutes after washing my blonde hair. I went to my bedroom and sat down at my dressing table, admiring the view. Even after living here for 3 years, it still amazed me.

I started blow drying my hair, only to realise it was 6:30. I was late. I quickly ran the straighteners over it, which still took me an hour. I liked my hair straight as it showed off my naturals highlights I had throughout my hair.

I got a pair of light denim jeans, my red heels, a white vest top that hung low to show cleavage, but enough to cover what needed to be covered and my coat and ran downstairs. I always took my make up to school as I always ran out of time.

I ran and hugged my mum to say bye. But as I went to pull away, my brown clip got stuck in her hair. She was short my mum, only 5'. Her chocolate brown hair contrasted with her dark green emerald eyes perfectly. Everyone said I looked like my mum, when I didn't look anything like her. Especially as my eyes were sky blue, matching my dads.

I ran out the door and picked up my bag. I ran to my little car, and searched frantically for the keys to my Fiat 500; Luigi. It was called this because of his colour; apple green. He was my baby and no one else had ever driven him.

I unlocked Luigi then dashed out of our gates which I opened as I was looking for my car keys. They were there since the Victorian times so they were big black gates that had spikes on top painted gold, and got taller then more you got into the middle.


I always stopped off at costa to grab myself a hot chocolate as I never had time at home for anything. My hair took up all of my time as it was like a lions mane. No exaggeration.

As soon as I got to school, I took a sip of my hot chocolate and headed for home room.

Everyone else was already in the classroom which made it awkward as I walked in. The classroom stunk of boys already and I hated it. I took another gulp of my hot chocolate and there the cup in the bin as I walked passed. I noticed my best friend sitting at the back staring and laughing at her phone. I swiftly walked over there ignoring all the looks I was getting.

She popped her head up and finally noticed me. She jumped on me, making me loose my balance. Her ombre hair going into my face. She took a step back and we both just stared at each other for a second. She had perfect skin, perfect brown eyes, she was just perfect. She wore a simple white vest with jeans and black heels topped off with a plain black leather jacket. She always looked amazing regardless of time of day and what day it was. I hated her for that.

'Aimee,' I simply stated, still staring at her.

'Gee,' she simply replied.

After that we just sat down and started talking about summer.

"So, what did you do over summer?" Aimee asked me. She knew the answer already. She was practically with me the whole time. Sleepover after sleepover, nights out after movies. Just the average stuff people with no lives (or other friends) did over them summer period.

"You know what I did! You was with me the whole time women!" I replied. I wasn't exactly lying though; she was. Me and Aimee were inseparable. Joined at the hip. Where one went, the other followed. "Anyway, how was Tenerife?"

Her Grandad had built a house out in Tenerife for Aimee's dad side of the family. Her parents were like mine; divorced. I didn't mind as much as it meant both my parents were happy, but sometimes, there was a small bit of hope that they would get back together. But Aimee's Grandad owned a famous company, so he was loaded. But Aimee didn't like to talk about it, I don't know why, she just didn't.

"OMG I met this guy called Ryan! He was super sweet and only lives like 10 blocks from here i think he said. I met him the first weeek we were out there. We were at dinner..."

I slowly started to zone out to what she was saying. I could still hear her I just wasn't taking the information in. It was always the same story. 'I met this guy. We exchanged numbers and I've been texting him non-stop since we both got back and we're basially together! How cute!' Then, one month or so later she would be crying because she fell for him and they broke up. Always the same. These were the only relationships she had ever really had and this is why she fell too quickly; if she fell, she thinks they would stay, when they don't. Ever. And she never learned.

I looked around the room to notice the walls were still a horrible grey colour, and the lockers still squished over in the far left corner. No one used them, they were just there collecting dust.

I was deep in thought, only hearing what I wanted to hear, which wasn't a lot.

I kept catching people giving me weird looks but I simply looked the other way. I really didn't like people. I hardly spoke to anyone except Aimee so I couldn't care.

I faintly heard Aimee still babbling about Ryan so I continued to think. I thought of everything that was happening this year, so much to look forward too.

This last year was going to be amazing, and I sure don't want to miss any of it.


HEY! So this is my first book! If you like it, vote. If you loved it, fan. If you saw a mistake, comment and I'll fix it. But of it's rude, it will be deleted and you will be reported and blocked. Thank you for your support!

I will try my best to upload like once a week but I'm not promising anything🙈
_graciet 💕

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