:.: One.

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Annabelle sang to herself as she quickly got ready for her first day of the human high school. Annabelle couldn't wait to be free of being trapped in her home all day long, with no friends. She could finally live, even though technically she wasn't.

Paige noticed her daughters purple, multicolored hair and smiled. "It looks really nice, darling" Annabelle looked up from her mirror as she finished her eye liner. "Thank you, Mom"

"You sure you are ready?" Paige asked timidly, she didn't like to upset her daughter, Annabelle had a horrible temper. Nothing like her father or mother, more like her uncle, Blade.

"Mom, I promise I'm ready and I will try really hard, I'm positive this day will be fine after all, how hard can posing as a human be?" Annabelle smirked as her mother drew in a breathe. "Okay" Paige sighed at her daughter.

"Dad, I'm ready" Annabelle spoke excitedly opening their front door. Jace came into view dressed up for the occasion. "Okay, no remember Annabelle if anything goes wrong, call me" Jace gave his daughter a stern look, he believed she would be fine.

"I will, I promise. Thank you so much for letting me do this, it's so much better than being a princess, I hate that we are royalty" Annabelle snorted annoyed with the fact. "I know you do, I don't like it so much either" Jace agreed before pecking his daughter on the forehead and letting her drive to school.

"Good luck!" Paige called after Annabelle as she sped off in the direction of the human school. Annabelle watched her speed as she drove, she had to be careful her father had taught her.

Annabelle was a vampire, a graceful young vampire. She was stronger than the average human, and smarter, learning faster than humans, Annabelle's parents realized that Annabelle hadn't gained any supernatural powers from being born, it was common though, as her mother had none.

Annabelle sighed as she reached the school building, when she hopped out gracefully from her small grand am, she realized posing as a human would be harder than she had thought.

All these different scents of blood, and humans entered her nostrils, without fretting or worrying about it, Annabelle smiled to herself and walked into the school, ignoring the rude gestures and perverted comments from the students.

A boy winked at Annabelle as she entered the office, Glaring harshly was easy for a vampire it was a natural instinct, doing so the boy shuddered away. Annabelle smiled, pleased with herself. "May I help you?" A short blonde women asked from a desk.

"Ugh, Yes actually, I'm new I was just enrolled today" Annabelle smiled politely and walked up to the desk. The women smiled as she reached in a filing cabinet and fished out some papers. "Here you are my dear, you class schedule and locker info" The young women smiled before walking off. "Have a nice day" She called to Annabelle who looked oddly at the women before exiting the office.

Walking up a flight of stairs Annabelle realized the bell had already rang, she would have to be late to class, she needed to go to her locker for now.

Slipping the things she didn't need into the now open locker, Annabelle looked at everything as she walked through the halls to her first period class. "I wonder what my first class is?" Annabelle asked herself as she reached for her schedule.

Room 104.

Creative Writing.

Annabelle smiled to herself, it seemed today was going quite okay, Annabelle adored writing and couldn't wait. As her hand just barely turned the handle, she heard shushed voices and instantly grew warily.

"Ah, a new student?" A tall, man asked politely. Annabelle couldn't look through the crowded room yet, she had to focus on her breathing and on the scents of blood. "Yes" Annabelle replied, handing the man her paper.

"I'm Mr.Stewart, welcome to creative writing. Let's find you a seat" The man walked to his desk and looked at a seating chart. "Ah, yes"

Annabelle looked at the man oddly. "Andrew Graven please raise your hand" Everyone in the class gasped and Annabelle looked around oddly until she saw a hand being raised in the back.

A young man, about eighteen was holding his hand up tiredly, he looked as if he hadn't slept in days and Annabelle slightly felt bad. A slight shove on the back made Annabelle walk towards the young man.

As the human saw Annabelle approaching he put his arm down and looked away. Annabelle reached her seat, upon sitting down, Mr. Stewart started the lesson and all eyes were on him instead of her.

Annabelle reached and took a notebook and pen from her bag, when she turned though, she took in a deep breathe and also this "Andrew Graven's" scent.

Annabelle had a reaction she never thought about before. She wanted this young man's blood. She suddenly covered her hand over her mouth and closed her eyes.

Focusing on her breathing and trying to control the urges Annabelle held her right hand in a fist. "Are you okay?" Andrew asked her giving her a weird look.

Annabelle just glared, not being able to look at the boy for too long, he was beautiful. Even without being a vampire. And his scent was more than alluring, it made Annabelle's cravings ten times harder than before.

An odd noise sounded from a bell and all the students stood in a rush. Exiting the classroom Annabelle stayed behind watching as Andrew walked away. Knocking his bag into Annabelle's shoulder.

Annabelle uncovered her mouth finally able to control herself and left the class as well. Once in the crowded hall that Andrew boy couldn't be found, but his scent was faintly there.

"What was that?" Annabelle asked herself, tears almost in her eyes from the strength of self control she had to use.


Small note: If there are any typos, I apologize. I skimmed through it and abc checked it as best I could. (:

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