Day Three

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Day Three 4/3/13


Well its 4:35 am, and im awake. Crying to be exact. I can't stand this, feeling this way is horrible. I don't know what i did to deserve this, i just don't get it. All my life i have put up with bullshit from Emma, now fans? I thought fans were supposed to support everything the boys do? I guess not.


"Tessa? Are you in there?"

I heard coming outside the door, i could tell it was Niall on the other side of the door. I wiped the tears and stood up, i unlocked the door and let Niall in. He looked at me with a hurt face, and pulled me into a big hug. I felt tears stream down my face.

"Shh, baby don't cry."

Niall said to me, i cried into his shoulders for a bit. After about an hour of standing there, i was out of tears. When i lifted my head from Nialls shoulder, he smiled at me.

"Feel better babe?"

I nodded my head, feeling a bit better than i did earlier. He entwined our fingers together, and lead us out of the bathroom, the time was only going on 6 am. I sighed at the sight of the clock, Niall took me back to our room on the bus. As we laid there he played with my hair, and hummed the words to "Forever & Always".

"I love you, Tess."

He whispered into my ear, as i closed my eyes. I felt a pair of soft lips connect with mine, i smiled and put my hands on his cheeks, pulling him farther into the kiss.

"I love you, Niall."

He laid rolled on top of me, and left another small kiss on my lips.


The door slammed shut before we could even see who it was, Niall rolled his eyes and removed himself from the bed.


He asked in a bit of a snotty tone, i couldn't hear the conversation coming from the other room, so i just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


I sighed loudly, and sat up, Niall was running towards the bed.


I said, he smiled and sat next to me.

"Want to be my date to a party?"

He basically yelled into my face, i shrugged my shoulders. Did he not just remember the mental break down i just had? I didn't really want to go.

"Perrie, El, and Danielle will all be there!"

He smiled, and kissed my nose.

"Pwease? For me?"

I smiled, and nodded my head, i mean, a little bit of fun wouldn't hurt. Would it?


"Hi Tessa!"

Eleanor shouted, as she entered the room, i smiled and looked back into the mirror i was looking in.

"Will you please help me?"

I begged, El's face darted straight at mine, and she gave me an odd smile.

"I thought you would never ask!"

She yelled, just as she said that, Perrie and Danielle walked in.

"Guys! Help me with Tessa!"

She shouted, they dropped their things and ran over to me. Perrie did my makeup, Eleanor did my outfit, and Danielle did my hair. After two hours of slipping in and out of clothing, getting my hair yanked out of my head, and almost having to go to a hospital for my eye makeup, i was finished.

"You look hot."

Perrie said with a big smile.

"Yes! You look beautiful!"

Danielle said loudly.

"Nialls going to want a piece of you later!"

El said, i lifted my eyebrow up and laughed at her. They finally told me i was aloud to go look at myself, i walked slowly to the full body mirror. When i looked in, i was surprised by what i saw. My long brown hair was waved, my makeup was basically the definition of perfection, and my clothes, well, i looked hot.

"Thank you so much!"

I yelled as i ran to hug them, they tightly hugged me back.

"Tessa? Are you-whoa."

Nialls mouth dropped basically to the floor, i smiled and walked over to him. "I'm ready."

He entwined our fingers, and lead me to his Range Rover and we drove to a club down the road, of course surrounded by fans. Once we got inside, i could smell the reek of beer, wine, and other alcohol products. We reached the center of the club, where Danielle, Liam, Louis, El, Zayn, Perrie, Harry, and some random girl were all dancing, Niall and I decided to join in and dance with everyone.

"Ew, is that the slut Niall Horan is with?"

We heard being yelled from behind us.

"No, actually this is my beautiful girlfriend, who isnt a slut."

Niall yelled back, i laughed at him. As much as it affected me, i ignored it all. I just wanted to come here and have fun.

"I'll be right back!"

I yelled loudly, he nodded and i ran off to the restroom. As i pushed myself through all the drunk and sweaty sluts, i heard men calling after me.


I heard as i was slammed into a wall, being touched everywhere, it wasn't what i wanted. I kicked and screamed but it was useless, no one could hear me over the stereo.

"Get off of me!"

I yelled loudly, trying to push the drunk off of me.

"Baby, let me feel you."

I screamed loudly, until i was cut off by his lips being pressed up against mine. I pushed and kicked, but i was too weak. At that moment, the man was laying on the ground, unconscious. I looked around and found Niall standing there, looking very angry.

"What the hell?!"

He yelled, i grabbed his arm as he began to turn around.

"Listen to me! It wasn't me! He wouldn't let me go!"

I yelled into his face, he just shook his head and walked towards the doors. I felt a flood of tears over come me, i ran. Where to? Who knows. When i ran onto the street, it was pouring. I sighed and took my heels off, i threw my hair up into a pony tail, and walked the streets of New York. I didn't know what to do, i sat on a bench and cried most of the time, but oh well.

Authors Note ;

Sorry for the wait! Writers block! -.-

Shoutout goes to... JustAWriter2 because i love her. Go follow her, then comment done, and ill shout you out. :) ILL BE CHECKING.

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