Chapter One

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Chapter One

Super excited about this fanfic, guys! It's going to be really action-packed (more of a science-fiction/action genre feel) with a lot of that romance you guys love :) Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!


I don't know if you've ever been jumped, but I hope you haven't, because it's a terrible experience, let me tell you.

I guess I always thought that with gender stereotypes these days, only unsuspecting, innocent teenage girls who haven't gotten a taste of reality get mugged, so I was certainly in for a shock this relatively stressful night.

You see, I was finally done with my shift at our local record shop, which wasn't a problem itself- music is wonderful (the antiqueness of records may not be popular with anyone born after 1985, but I prefer records, they give a more real feeling to music)- but my boss had yelled at me for stacking the classic rock records out of order and tacked fifteen bucks off my monthly paycheck. I was beyond pissed, to say the least.

Anyways, it was around nine-thirty in the evening on a school night, I still had a history report to finish, and I was wishing more that anything to jump into my warm bed and sleep away my troubles.

But no, reality was feeling like a bitch today, and decided to give me an extra stab, just for kicks.

Hands shoved in my pockets, where my pay was stashed, I was innocently making my way down the sidewalk to my neighborhood, on the poorer side of town. The only lights that illuminated my path were the flickering streetlights, desperately needing a light bulb change.

The corner street lamp blinked off and I felt the hairs on my arms and neck stand up. You're fine, Gray, I assured myself. There's no need to worry. You'll be home in five minutes, and then you can fall sound asleep with Ashes Remain playing through your earbuds.

Gulping down my fear, I took a quick check to the sides to see if anyone was around. So far none. What a relief.

When I heard slow footsteps behind me, I knew I spoke- er, thought too soon.

I spun around, but the darkness forbade me from seeing anything that wasn't right under my nose. I nervously ran a hand through my dark hair and walked at a quicker pace, wanting more than ever to get home.

It was silent for about ten seconds until I heard the creepy footsteps once again. This time, I didn't bother stopping. I simply began to run.

Bad mistake. A tall, stocky man with a leather overcoat jumped out from the corner I was about to go around, grabbing my forearms.

I tried to scream, but nothing would come out. I was too petrified to do anything. I felt numb. It's a horrible feeling, really.

"Now kid, we'll make this nice and simple," A deep, booming voice began with a sickly-sweet tone commanded from behind me. I tried to whirl my head around to get a look at the owner of the voice, but my shoulders were locked in place. "Give us your money."

Really? I couldn't help but think, You couldn't think of a better go-to line than that? How uncreative.

I was momentarily proud of myself for being able to think of a comeback even in a life-threatening moment and mentally patted myself on the back until the guy spun me around. The other creepy dude slowly pulled a handgun out of his sweatshirt pocket.

That's when it got real, and I felt my heart drop. All I could think was I was going to die, and damn it, I was too pretty to die.

"Just fork over your cash. And that watch of yours," The bulkier guy growled. "And no funny business."

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