Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

★ Gray's POV ★

A/N: Are people actually enjoying this? I hope so, lol. Sorry for the slow update, I've been traveling :)

My next class of the day was gym class.

Cue scary organ sounds.

Gym class sucked for two major reasons. One, I hated exercise. Two, all the guys were extremely obnoxious and loved to pick on an easy, closet-gay target like me.

Bummed out, I begrudgingly made my way to gym class. I couldn't stop thinking about Natsu, however. We were possibly going to be meeting up to study sometime in the near future, and I was nervous. No, that's an understatement. I was downright terrified. However, the idea of spending more time with him put a positive outlook on the day and a shy smile on my face.

I went downstairs to the gym hallway, where I passed the shower rooms and the ladies' locker room. When I got to the males' I pulled the heavy metal door open and made a beeline for the corner of the changing area, not making eye contact with anyone.

I continued to walk towards my secluded corner and changed my clothes wordlessly, not making eye contact with anyone. Lucy wasn't in this class, and that was a major disappointment, because I had no one to endure physical education with.

As I began to make my way out of the locker rooms, I spotted Natsu enter the locker room. Pleasantly surprised, I quickly shoved my belongings in the locker and secured it with a combination lock so nothing would get stolen. When I looked up, Natsu was headed towards the bathroom stalls. I bounded over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder to spin him around.

Natsu sliced his elbow out, clocking me in the floating rib. "Keep your hands to yourself!" Natsu yelled, not knowing who it was. All around us, the immature seniors began to snicker and point, whispering crude things towards me that I could obviously hear.

"Woah dude, chill, it's just me." I gasped out, holding onto my stomach in pain. Natsu gaped at me guiltily and bit his lip.

"Ouch," I groaned, wheezing. The laughter around us had increased in volume and I was feeling my face heat up.

"You scared me. Don't do that." Natsu put his hands on his hips, half-joking. Obviously I would be taking that point of advice, because damn, his self-defense was pretty painful on my end.

"Haha, okay. I won't," I promised him, rubbing my sore rib cage. "So... Do you want to go to the gym with me or should we just stand here?" I offered, pointing over my shoulder at the door.

"That sounds wonderful, but I have to change, see," Natsu gestured towards the same outfit he was wearing all day. I nodded, feeling foolish that I remember that.

Natsu seemed to pause and get lost in his own little world for a moment, and he searched around the room for something. His eyes landed on the stalls and he gave me a rueful smile before heading over there.

"Be right back, then," He explained, ditching me and locking himself in the stall.

A bit confused, I waited for him to come back out. Did he have some issue with changing in front of other guys?

Natsu returned a minute later, dropping his bag in a locker and closing it, without a lock, I noted. I brushed it off, not thinking it was too weird. Most kids didn't lock up their stuff anyways- our school was relatively crime-free. However, the city itself was swarming with criminals. He wordlessly smiled at me as a way of saying hello and we exited the changing room.

"So," I tried to casually drop the bomb, curiosity overflowing me. "Why did you go into the stall? The room is designed for changing clothes, you know."

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