Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

★ Natsu's POV ★

A/N: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahah

My heart dropped to my chest upon hearing the ear-splitting noise, and I knew immediately why they were here. Of course it was them. Why else would a helicopter be flying right over the hidden house on the hill in the middle of the night?

I tried to speak, to warn Gray about the impending danger, but no words would come out of my mouth.

Gray, on the other hand, was filled with questions, and had no problem voicing them. Looking worried and scared, he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it to knock me out of my trance. "Angel?" He whispered. "What's going on?"

I blinked slowly, and all of a sudden a part of me took over, a part I'd been forcing down and trying to forget for five years now. It clawed and scratched at my insides, making me feel sick to the point where I thought my knees might buckle and give up under me. It was too late to push the feeling back down again. I knew I needed to remember the anger of my past to get out of this alive.

"We have to go. Now." I demanded, raising my voice desperately on the last word. The emergency system beeping was getting louder, and I pressed a button on my watch to silence it. I grabbed his hand to yank him towards the door, but he refused to budge.

"No, wait!" He resisted, pulling his hands away. Like a tiny child, he defiantly crossed his arms and pouted. "Not until you tell me what's happening!"

"Gray!" I tried not to raise my voice at him, but he was seriously testing my patience. "There's no time to explain. Would you stop being so damn resilient for two seconds so we can get out of here, please?"

After what felt like forever, Gray nodded once. Before he could even open his mouth to reply, I took his hand again and pulled him towards the sliding glass door, stopping in my tracks when I saw the helicopter approaching from the very hills we had to cross over to get Gray home.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. Gray was about to ask something else, but I didn't let him. I held up one finger to silence him before pulling the thick velvet curtains over the glass. The best option we had was to hide inside and not get found. And if we do, well, I guess Gray was going to find out who I was a little earlier than I intended.

There was no time to think, to make an escape plan. There was hardly any time to hide. I yanked Gray towards the kitchen and grabbed a large cutting knife from the silverware drawer. To hide, I pushed aside the couch and lifted the rug underneath it, revealing a small escape door for protection from severe weather. Upon studying it, I realized with a worried pang of my heart that the space wouldn't hold both of us.

"You hide here," I pointed to the safe spot to Gray, handing him the knife. He was innocent, and I didn't want to suck anyone into the terrible world I've been a subject to for most of my life. No one will find him underneath the floorboards, and at least I could rely on my fighting skills if I was found. "It's safer."

"What about you?" Gray's lip quivered.

"I'll be fine," I gave him a watery smile, about to cry myself. He noticed this and a small gasp escaped out of his mouth. I pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his forehead before helping him down the trap. I adjusted the floor, pulled the couch back to it's original position, and rushed back to the kitchen to hide myself.

After speculating the room for the best hiding option, I squeezed inside the cabinet under my sink. I had to shove various cleaning supplies to the middle in order to make just enough room for me to squeeze in.

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