Chapter Fourteen

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When divided by Friday set was over, Cassie turned to Sam, Rachael and Kat, “omg, that was so good!” she jumped up and down.

Matt walked over, “Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!” he hugged each of them, then went to help take things off the stage.

“So, do we want to stay here, or go into the crowd?” Sam asked them.

They all thought about it for a minute and decided to stay where they were, even thought they knew if they changed their mind they could come back. Maxx came out on the stage to help change out the drums, and the crowd went crazy, screaming. He waved to them, “hi guys! Thanks for coming out!”

“Hey Rachael, did you see those two girls right there, when Cody came up behind you?” Sam asked, slightly pointing over at them. Rachael looked over and shook her head no, looking back at Sam, confused.

Cassie laughed, “wow, they looked they wanted to kill you.”

“Yeah, their faces changed fast, it was really funny” Sam made the face they did and all of them busted out laughing.

“That’s great,” Rachael said, then was pulled out of sight. It was so sudden it startled her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want anyone to see me,” Cody wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

“Oh, it’s okay, I just didn’t expect it,” she laughed.

“Two minutes and we go on,” he said and Dan walked over. Rachael went back to Cassie and Sam and told them what he said. 

Two minutes later, like he said, the lights went out and fog came down from the sound booth. The crowd started to scream and jump. 

Each one of the band members came out one by one. Maxx was first, when he sat down he hit his drums once, Zach was next, then Austin, when Dan ran on stage they all strummed their instruments once. The crowd was going crazy. Cassie, Rachael, Kat and Sam were jumping up and down, getting more and more excited. The song, Breath in, Breath out, started and Cody ran out on stage. He jumped up and once his feet hit the ground the lights came on and the song came to life. Everyone went crazy and started singing with him. They played a few more songs, and then Cody stopped to talk.

“Hello Cleveland!!! How are we?” the crowd screamed and shouted. “I can’t hear you, HOW ARE WE CLEVELAND!” again, but everyone screamed louder. “That’s what I like to hear! I’m loving the energy tonight. This next song, is for everyone one of you who have ever been pushed down, and didn’t think you could get back up. Don’t ever let anyone bring you down, their words aren’t worth it.” the crowd screamed and the song @reply started. Everyone sang and jumped.

“Okay, I’m going to dedicate this last song to a wonderful person, Rachael.” Cody looked over to the side and smiled at her.

As Dream Catcher started Rachael’s body started to move to the dance her and Tim are going to dance to at the competition. She was dancing in place, Cody looked over and started to smile huge as he continued to sing. Sam saw the two girls looking over at them.

When the song finished he thanked the crowd, and told them everyone would be at the merch table in a few minutes. He walked off the stage to Rachael and embraced her in a huge hug. She hugged him back as tight as she could. “I’ll be back here as soon as I can,” he whispered in her ear and went to get ready to go to the merch table.

“Omg, he’s so sweaty, like normal” Rachael said. Cassie, Sam and Kat laughed, knowing what she meant. They went to sit on the couch.

Sam looked at Rachael, “those girls hate you so much, so let’s make sure we don’t run into them.” Rachael agreed, not wanting to deal with it.

“I’m confused about something,” Rachael admitted.

They looked at her, “what?” Cassie said.

Rachael sighed, “well, I’ve met Cody before right?” they shook their heads, “okay, so well.. Why.. Or how, did he fall for me this time?” she put her face in her hands. Sam rubbed her back. 

“Maybe because he actually ‘met’ you this time, if you get what I mean..” Cassie trailed off, Kat shook her head. Rachael thought about it for a minute.

Sam laughed, “I get it, every other time, you just said hi to him at the merch table, and he see’s so many faces in a day, and this time he actually ‘saw’ you and was able to talk to you better.”

Rachael took that into consideration and shook her head, “you guys are probably right.”

They laughed, knowing that they are and hugged her. 

“It’s all going to be alight,” Sam said and it helped Rachael smile.

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