Would She Fall Through?

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"Calum, throw me the ball!" Evan shouted from across the field. I was kind of in my own little world at the moment. She doesn't like him back. All this time she didn't like him back. I couldn't believe it. I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I barely know Natasha. I mean yeah we text and talk and have hung out multiple times, but I want to know her more. I don't know what it is. She just has this vibe that makes me want to hang out with her more. That's when I realised people were tackling me. I fell to the ground and saw the other team run off with the ball. "Calum you idiot! Pay attention!" Evan shouted and ran to the other side of the field. "You okay Calum?" Luke ran up to me. I nodded to his remark and continued to think in my head. Maybe, if I hang out more with Natasha she would open up to me. "Hello? Earth to Calum? Do you hear me?" Luke laughed. "Uh yeah." I replied back as I rolled my eyes to the tone of his voice.

"Thinking of Dawley are you?" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. My eyes went wide and I whacked his arm. "Ow! What was that for man?" He rubbed his arm. "You know why." I rolled my eyes. "Well was I right?" He smirked. I didn't reply because I didn't know how to show that he was right. "Knew it." Luke poked my cheek. "Quit it." I pushed his finger away from me. God he can be so weird at times. "Well you better stop daydreaming because Dawley is over there by the benches." Luke pointed at her which I quickly pulled his arm away. I didn't want to grab her attention, but it was too late. Natasha was waving at me. I was shocked and Luke waved for me. I just slapped him around the arm again because I knew what he was doing.

Since Luke got her attention I ran over and decided to chat with her because the idiot over there got her attention. "Hey Calum." Natasha smiled. "You alright?" I asked as I climbed over the fence and sat next to her. "Yeah I'm good, what about you?" She referred to me being tackled a few moments ago. "You saw that?" I nervously scratched the back of my neck. I didn't realise she was watching us play. She nodded and let out a small laugh. "It's not funny." I said. I tried to hold in my laugh but I couldn't. "So, why are you here? I thought you weren't into sports and all." I tried to change the subject because I was embarrassed that the reason I got tackled is because I was thinking of her.

"I'm waiting for Ashton. He was suppose to take me home." She said as she was looking around for him. I got to say, it's sad to see how close she is with Ashton. I wish I was close like that. Maybe Luke is right. If we hang out more and talk, maybe we'll be closer. "He plays sports?" I asked out of curiosity because I never knew he was on the team. She shook her head. "Ashton playing sports, ha, you've got to be kidding. He's getting his music work that he left." Natasha laughed at the idea of him playing sports.

"I thought so, because I've never seen him at practise." I laughed along with her. She has a catchy laugh. A laugh that makes you want to laugh along with her, even if what she said wasn't funny. "He's taking ages." She sighed as she looked at the time on her phone. "When was he suppose to meet you?" I asked as I saw my laces were loose so I quickly tied them up. "At 4:15, but I guess he's late because it's 4:30." She sighed again. "Maybe he forgot." I said simply. She gave me a funny look. "I doubt that. He's the one who offered to take me home." She stated. I raised my hands up in defeat. "Maybe-" I was interrupted by a phone call. Natasha mouthed sorry as she answered the phone.

"Where are you?" She had anger in her eyes. Her mood dropped dramatically. She was so calm and chirpy a few minutes ago and now she looks annoyed. "Ashton, you said to meet at the football bench at 4:15." She sighed with frustration. "You could have told me sooner Ash." She said bluntly. I tried not to hear, but she was right there. "Okay, bye." She ended the call and harshly placed her phone into her bag. "You okay?" I asked. I knew the answer but I wanted to ask anyway. "Peachy keen." She gave a fake smile. I was left quiet as I didn't know how to approach with this situation. I guess she noticed as it was quiet between us. "He left without me. Got carried away with his 'music assignment'." She quoted with emphasis. I let out a laugh as I thought it was cute that she got annoyed easily.

"What?" She looked confused. "Nothing." I smiled to the thought. "Do you want a lift?" I asked out of kindness because Ashton practically abandoned her here. "Really? You don't have to. I can walk home." She refused.  "It's okay Tash, I'll drop you home." I smiled. I saw her smile truly when I called her Tash. "Okay, when do you finish football?" Natasha asked as she placed her bag on her shoulder. I looked back at the field and saw the majority of the team leaving. "Um now I guess." I let out and awkward laugh. "Oh that's good." She smiled.

"Oh and one thing." I mentioned.

"Yeah?" She looked up at me and we both started to walk around the fence.

"I can't drive."

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