Chapter 5

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 Yay! Chapter 5! Ok sorry for the waitbut I am back and full of ideas! Thanks music! Lol. Yes I got this(these) amazing idea(s) by listening to busic. Thanks Train, Eminem, Maroon 5, and GIR! Lol okay back to this one thing I been meaning to add. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING BESIDES HAILEY AND OFFICER CURREL! So Ya. If you would like to be added to my story please tell me and I will try to find somewhere to add you to the story. But this new chapter has my best friend and new editor, AlishaFraser! Thanks gurl for being there and chatting with me about this and helping me do some more research on the creepypasta charaters! Thanks alot! Okay so if you were wondering were I got my inspration for this chapter I got it from this song: "Sky full of Lighter" by By Bruno Mars, Eminem, and Some other dude.. Onto the story!


*Hailey's POV*

     I stand there his unblinking eyes staring into my soul. I smile slightly and breath out a laugh. "Of course. You are jealous and don't want me to fall head over heels for some other guy instead of you." I say turning around and walking out his room. I feel him grab me. I shake his hand off and continue to walk away. I hear my phone ring. 'So I get better service out here then at home? Wow.' I think to myself answering it.

"Hello?" I ask heading down stairs into the living room.

"Hailey? Where are you?" I hear Alisha on the other end.

"Oh my god! Alisha! How you been? And I'm at the Slender Mansion." I say sitting on the couch.

"What? You are at Slender Mansion! You are so gonna die!" Alisha yelled at me threw the phone.

"Relax! I'm here because Jeff the Killer brought me here. And they are letting me stay. So they aren't going to kill me, ok?" I said watching Masky coming into the room with cheesecake. I wave to him and waited for Alisha to answer me.

"Oh my god. I am scared out of my mind! Am I gonna die cause I called you?" Of course Alisha would be scared out of her mind. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath.

"No! They won't hurt you." I say watching Jeff come down the stairs frowning. 'Well I hop they won't hurt her.' I think to myself. "Alisha I gotta go. Bye!" I say hanging up.

     I watch Jeff go into the kitchen still frowning. "What's up with him?" I hear Jack say. I watch Jeff before answering him. "I don't know. Could it be I said he would be jealous that I might fall head of heels for one of you guys, then walked away from him?" I responded looking at my phone. It had my parents as my screen saver and then I saw a tear drop fall onto my phone. "Wait. You walked away from Jeff after you said he might be jealous. You are so dead!" Jack responded sitting down across from me. "What do you mean?" I asked still thinking about my parents who where disemboled and bruttely murderd. I feel Jack wipe the tears away from my eyes. "It means Jeff might kill you for that." He said, "And don't cry." I smile and wipe my phone off and put in my pocket. I get up and walk outside. I walked further into the woods and sat down once I was out of sight. I cryed and cryed not caring if anyone saw. I hate the bastard the killed my parents, I will kill that fucking bastard that did it.

     I see a guy wearing a hoodie walk into my line of sight. I grip my kinfe but didn't move from my spot. He appeared to have a orangeish-yellow hoodie (like Maskie's) and he appeared to be wearing a mask like Maskie, but it was black with read eyes and a red sown together mouth. I hold my knife tighter when I notice He was coming for me. He also held aknife and he lunged for my throat. I get up and move away from him before he slice my neck open. 'God? What the hell is it with knives in this household?' I think to myself before dodging another attack, but this time I hit this guys arm.

"Hoodie!" I hear Maskie yell in agony. The man I supposed who was Hoodie stoped and looked up, blood staining his jacket.

"Masky?" He says falling to his knees.

"Wait, what? What's going on?" I ask watching the two.

"Hoodie, what are you doing? This girl is one of us now." Masky says to Hoodie sitting next to him.

"Sh-She is? Bu-But she was so afraid, What is going on?" Hoodie asks holding his arm.

"Afraid, Ha! I haven't been afraid since I saw my parents dead disemboled a year ago. But Hoodie, if that's your name, I'm sorry. I was protecting myself," I apologize tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hoodie apologize to Hailey." Masky said to Hoodie.

"I'm sorry," Hoodie says as he looks up at me.

"It's ok." I say getting on my knees. "Masky?" I say looking at the ground.

"Y-yes?" Maskie answers me reaching for oodies hand to help him up.

"Why do you talk to this guy normally, and not like that to the rest?" I ask leaning against the tree.

"Well, It's hard to explain but when I first met Hoodie I felt an connection to him immeditly. And now we are together, I talk normally to him and not the others.." He says about to walk away with Hoodie.

"Oh ok." I say closing my eyes.



    I almost jump up and help my knife when I saw BEN, Jeff, Jake, Maskie, Hoodie, and Sally looking for me. I slowly get up and almost failed due to my legs still being asleep. "Guys, I'm over here!" I yell at them standing up, kind of. They run to me, Sally was the first one to me she wrapped her arms around and hugged me. Maskie and Hoodie came up and joined Sally, BEN came up smiling and hugged me too, then Jeff came up smiling, "I'm sorry" Wass all I heard under the cheering of the group. "I'm forgive you," I say kissing Jeff. I hear Sally say "eww" before running off. I smile then BEN came up and patted Jeff on the back giving him a thumbs up. And MAskie and Hoodie walked away holding hands. I smile and continued to kiss Jeff. Jeff picked me up and I wraped my legs around him. We pushed me against a tree and started to kiss me neck.

(No sexy time details xD)


     Me and Jeff walk back to SlenderMansion. 'How did I change my mind about hating Jeff so fast to loving him?' I think to myself. Jeff opened the door and let me in. I sit on the couch and watched BEN and Jack play Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Zombie mode. "Can I play?" I asked not leaving my eyes from the screen. BEN paused the game and glared at me. "You wanna play a video game? Okay, but we are gonna do zombie mode. Jack you mind?" BEN answers looking at JAck with the last part. "Sure I don't mind. I'm tires of dieing cause of the zombies. Have fun." Jack says going to his room.

     Me and BEN sit there for about a hour or two playing zombies. "Wow your good." I hear BEN say as I get up and streach my arms. "Thanks." I say before heading into the kitchen. I see 3 cheesecakes so I took a slice of one of them. Jeff walks in to the kitchen and puts his hands around my waist. "Hey Jeff," I say smiling about to take a bit of the cheesecake when I hear Maskie say, "Step away from the cheesecake!"

     I step away hands up. "What? I got hungry!" I yell at Maskie who took the cheesecake away from me. He stared at me and ate the cheesecake. "Lets go get pizza, Hailey." Jeff says walking out of the house.

A psychopathic killer is in love with me! (A Creepypasta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now