#٢ The Third Imam, Husayn Ibn 'Ali ع

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Second son of Fatima (sa) and 'Ali (as) Husayn (as) was born on 3rd Shabaan, 4th year of Hijri (10.1.626 AD) When he was born the Holy Prophet was given the news of the birth of his 2nd grandson. He arrived at the house of his daughter, took the little baby in his arms, said the Azan and in his ears.

People around the Prophet saw tears in his eyes. Fatimah asked what was the reason for this, he told her that this boy of hers will achieve martyrdom, but consoled her by adding that God will create a nation who will mourn Husayn till the Day of Judgement. Another famous saying of the Prophet at the same time became synonymous with the name of his grandson Husayn.

"Hussian-o-Minni wa Ana Minul Husayn". Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn. One can explain this Hadith that Husayn, being the grand son of the Prophet was from him biologically. How a grandfather was from his grand son needs to be explained. Prophets of God speak spiritually rather than materially.

He was talking about Islam the Deen he was assigned by God to propagate God's religion.. He was for Islam and his whole life was for Islam and its establishment on earth. Any break in this mission would subvert this mission which was the purpose of his creation.

The message of the Holy Prophet in this saying was that Husayn will, in some near future save this mission from destruction, hence the very purpose of his being will be saved by the sacrifice of his grandson. He was giving the news of a future occurrence. The story of Karbala' unfolds.

Shah Usto Husayno Badshah Usto Husayn

Deen Uato Husayno Deen Panah Usto Husayn

Surdad, Nadad Dust Dur Dueste Yazid

Haqqa Ke Benate La Ilah Husto Husayn

Husayn is the king , indeed he is the king of kings,

Husayn is Deen and also the protector of Deen,

He gave his head but not his hand of allegiance in the hand of Yazid.

Indeed he was the founder (Like his grandfather) of the concept of One God.

This quartet of Shah Moinuddin Chishty Ajmeri is the exact meaning of the Hadith of "Husayno Minni" as mentioned above.Imam Husayn (as) has saved Islam from oblivion by offering his timely sacrifice to draw the line of demarcation between Truth and Falsehood, between good and evil, between Right and Wrong, that after this event in Karbala' in 61 Hijri, no one inside or outside Islam dare to challenge the truth of the Holy Qur'an or try to subvert its meanings.

The story of Karbala' begins with the birth of Husayn. The Holy Prophet had shown affection and love for his grandson as any grandfather should show,but there was something more positive and profound in this love.

Several times when Husayn entered the mosque as a small child the Holy Prophet will put him in his lap and tell his companions that this is Husayn, look at him and remember him. The Prophet's insistence to remember Husayn shows that those who will forget this event will cause trouble in Islam.

It was just seven years of his life with his grandfather that the Holy Prophet died and soon after,Husayn's mother Hazrat Fatima (sa) also died.. The next 25 years of his life in Madinah was with his father 'Ali,his Hasan and many other brothers and sisters in the family. He grew up to be loved by the companions of the Holy Prophet.

During the period of 2nd Khilafat-e-Rasheda, Omar Ibne Khattab had always shown his love and respect for Husayn. Whenever Husayn entered the mosque, the Caliph would let him sit beside him and tell the companions to listen to what this young man says. They all valued his advice even at that young age.

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