"Inna Fil Jannati"

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"Inna Fil Jannati"

Inna Fil jannati nahran min laban
Li 'Aliyyin wa Husainin wa Hasan
Kullu man kana muhibban lahumu
Yadkhulul jannata min ghairi hazan
Hubbu ahlil bayti fardun 'indana
Wa bi hathal hubbi la nakhshal mihan

Surely, a river of milk flows in heaven,
For Ali, Hussain, and Hasan.
And all those who have love for these three,
shall enter the garden without any misery.
For us, love of the Prophet's family is an obligation,
And with a love like that, we fear no tribulation.

Husayn Ibn 'Ali عWhere stories live. Discover now