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Chapter 1

A/N Hey people. This is candiandi. This is my first fanfiction ever. I don't know anything about amnesia. Don't sue me. Warning: swearing and yaoi (boyxboy). don't like don't read. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Um... Read on.


Man, this teacher can talk. My math teacher is talking about how important quadratic equations are. I keep zoning her out. We've been doing this for like the whole year! Only when I hear my name do I actually start paying attention. "Roxas? Could you write the answer to problem one on the board?"

"Uh...yeah,"I mumble. As quietly as possible, I walk up to the board and write the answer. Then silently take my seat.

  "Very good, Roxas. Now everyone let's go through the steps together..." I once again zone out her annoying squeaky voice. I almost jump out of my chair, when I hear the bell ring. Finally, my class is over with. Time for lunch.

When I Arrive at the lunch room I get into a line and purchase some fries the school sells. I start heading over to the table I always sit at. The table usually consists of Sora (my brother), Riku (Sora's boyfriend, who I don't really like), Kairi ( I don't care about her), Xion (she is like a little sister to me), and Naminé ( Kairi's sister). But of course since Sora is siting there, he starts yelling across the cafeteria, "Roxas! Come sit by us! Over here!" Trying to avoid the weird stares, I hurry across the lunch room and sit down next to Naminé.

"Sora,"I sigh. "Why do you always make such a big fuss?"

"Hey! Don't get all bitchy. You know he is just worried about you. All of us were." Riku says almost kindly. "Well, except me." Riku chuckles. Man, I hate that guy. Oh, I should say the reason they were worried about me, was because a week ago some idiot driver hit me with their car. I was in the hospital for about about a week. Right now I have just a few scratches and bumps, a killer headache and a broken wrist. This is first day they are letting me out of the hospital. I'm glad.

I reply sarcastically "yeah, thanks for the support Riku."

"Roxas, we have been worried. Even though Riku won't admit it, he was too." Naminé says so sweetly. And another thing, I kind of have a crush on Naminé. Anything she says gets to me. When ever I see her blush, my stomach does flops. She's not too complicated compared to other girls. I love her pale blonde hair and those calming blue eyes. Wow, I'm getting off topic.

"Well that's sweet Naminé." I say with a small smile. Which makes her blush slightly.

"So, are you feeling any better, Roxas?" Xion asks looking down at the cast on my left arm with pity.

"Yeah," I sigh, "my head still hurts like hell. But, otherwise I'm doing better." With that sentence she smiles slightly, apparently satisfied with that answer. When you talk about the stupidest things, the rest of lunch passes by so fast. When I hear the bell ring I stand up and throw away my trash. Then I head off to language arts.

The bell rings once again, and everyone takes their seats "Ok. Class we will waste no time. So pull out you pencils and your notebooks. Them begin writing the body paragraphs of your persuasive essays."

"Hey Roxas?" The flaming haired male behind me asks. "Can you lend me a pencil?"

"Sure. I don't care if I get it back."I reply getting a second pencil out of my bag. I hand it to him and I can't help but notice that he won't look at me directly.

He shortly says, "thanks," and quickly begins writing. What is his name? Now it's going to bother me. Well in the first quarter he was so loud and obnoxious, but now he is silent. He seems depressed, even his unnatural spikes are drooping. Eventually I'll figure it out. The rest of the day went on like that: get to class, work, then zone out. When I hear the final bell ring, I quietly pack up my stuff and stand by the front door to the school. Damn Sora, always being late. Sora, then jumps out of a bush trying to scare me but failing. I hear that familiar laughter coming from behind me. Riku. "Come on, Rox. Lets go." Sora shouts and takes Riku's hand. They chat- wait I should rephrase that. Sora babbles all the way home. I don't care so I don't pay attention. But I do notice how good of a couple they are together. Riku carefully listens to every word Sora says. He also laughs at every joke Sora tells. Now, I can tell that Riku loves Sora. When we arrive at home, Sora and Riku go into the basement, alone. While I go into my room and lay on my bed and listen to music.

I remember now!



A/N Yeah it's really pathetic. Um.... The next chapter will be out soon... Hopefully. Oh! This is dedicated to my friend. She helped me start my fan fiction writing. If there are any spelling or grammar mistakes tell me, and I'll fix it. And sorry if I made Roxas sound like a girl. That's it. So candiandi out.

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