Chapter 2

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Ello! So peoples, this is another crap chapter to crap fan fiction. There is probably some out of characterness. Oh! Yeah I was lazy and didn't put the accent aigu in Naminé. I digress go... Read on.


The final bell rings. Once I gather my items, I slowly walk to my locker. I don't want to hit the rush to leave the school. When I finallly make it outside, I see Sora, Riku, Kairi, Xion, and Namine waiting.

"What took you so long Roxas?" Kairi asks, when I approach them.

"I didn't want to get trampled." I state simply,"What are you all doing?"

"Sora wanted all of us to celebrate you coming out of the hospital." Xion explains as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah, Let's get going!" Sora says enthusiastically.

'You don't have to do this," I say, even though no one hears me. They walk away from me, and get into Riku's car (he is the only one of us that has a car). When we get to Sora's and my home, we go into the basement to play video games.

After a while we stop just to talk. "Roxas, do you remember anything?" Namine asks.

I reply sadly, "Not really. I was able to catch up with school easily, but those other memories I don't seem to grasp."

"I'm sure you'll get them back someday." Sora says half-enthusiastically. Namine hides her face and no one else looks at me.

"Who wants to go get ice cream?" Kairi asks breaking the akward silence.

"Yeah. That sounds great!" Sora says too enthusiastically (even for him). We all head outside and start to walk to the ice cream parlor a couple blocks away. This gives me time to think. Are they keeping something from me? Do they not want me to get my memories back? Did something bad happen? If so what? If not what made them hide their faces like that. Only a few of the meny possible senarios play through my head.

"Roxas, we're here." Sora says tapping my shoulder.

"Sorry, I must've been spacing out." I state sheepishly.

When we get our ice cream we sit down, and chat amongst ourselves. Of course I end up talking to Namine (not that it's a bad thing). "Namine, how have the past 3 months been for you?"I ask trying to lighten up my mood, and have some fun.

Namine replies, "They have been," she pauses to think, "okay."

"Just okay?" I question.

"Well, nothing really happened." she stated simply while not looking me in the eye.

"Namine, I can tell when you lie. What happened?" That's true. The intensity in her eyes changes when she lies.

"Roxas, I'm not lieing. I'm just nervous talking to you."

"You've never been nervous talking to me before."

"Well, in those past 3 months you weren't really you... You changed a lot durring that time. Roxas, can we leave it at that?"

"Fine." I return to my melting ice cream.

What namine said really got to me. I've never seen her this forceful. How did I change? Did I say something I shouldn't have? What did I do?

Sora snaps me out of my thoughts, when he waves his hand in front of my face. "Roxas? Earth to Roxas?"Sora questions.

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm really out of it." I reply.

"Guys. I have to get going soon,"Riku says, "Xion, Kairi, Namine, do any of you need a ride?"

All three of them say yes. Once we get back to the house, the four of them say their goodbyes. When they leave I head back to my room. I just chill with my music, until I pass out.


This chapter is dedicated to my friend who is being a butt right now for taking down her story without finishing it. So I think there will be 3 more chapters possibly. And I will try to get them out faster. And sorry it was so late.

Candiandi out.

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