Chapter 5

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*Ross’s POV*

“Ross, sweetie. It’s time to get up.”

It’s Tuesday and I have to perform on Good Morning America to promote the album. That means I have to get up at four thirty in the morning. Jason and Sydney are lucky; they don’t have to get up until five.

I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed while Mom goes to get breakfast and wake up Jason and Sydney.

When I get out of the bathroom, I’m kinda surprised that Jason is awake. It’s stupid for me to be surprised since we share a room. He’s probably been up for awhile now. He’s watching some TV show I haven’t seen before.

“Hey, Jason.”

“Hi. Ross.” As soon as the show is over, he gets up and goes in the bathroom.

Things between us have been a little different. After the whole cab thing with Sydney, I’ve been a more cautious of what I say to him. I don’t think it’s that different between us.

I can’t say the same about my relationship with Sydney. For the two days we’ve been in New York, thinks are just… awkward. She doesn’t sit next to me at tables or talks to me unless she needs to. I don’t blame her. After all, we have been friends since second grade. I have always thought of her as a friend, and only a friend. And here we are nine years later and I’m starting to question that.

Then again, Jason always thought of Sydney as a friend. Now they are dating. I wish Riker and Rocky were here so I could talk to them about it. It’s almost two o’clock in Cali. Curse you time zones!

After everyone is up and dressed, we go to the room where Mom and Sydney are staying to eat breakfast.

“Good morning Jason. Ross,” Sydney greets us.

“Good morning Sydney,” we say back.

For breakfast, we get waffles and sausage. We don’t really get to talk much since I have to be on set of GMA by a certain time. Not to mention I can’t talk much since I need to save my voice for singing.

*Sydney’s POV*

It’s been almost three days since the cab incident. Ross barely talks to me. That’s mostly my fault. He’s been trying to talk to me but I’ve been rejecting him. It shouldn’t be this way. Ross and I have been friends since 2nd grade. Am I going to give that up because of what happened in a cab? No way.

With Jason, I have risked our friendship to date him. We have known each other since 4th grade. Well, we were in the same 3rd grade class; we became friends in 4th grade when Ross was homeschooled. Then he asked me out about three months ago.

I am going to stop all of this awkwardness once and for all. I don’t want Ross to be thinking about our relationship while he’s performing, or for the rest of our stay in New York.

While we are going downstairs to our ride to GMA, I pull Ross aside. “Hey Ross.”

“Hey Sydney. What’s up?”

“I.. I just wanted to apologize for acting coldly toward you.”

“Oh. It’s not that a big deal.”

“Yeah, well I think it was wrong for me to do that. Can things just go back the way it used to be?”

“Of course,” he extends his hand. “Friends?”

“You got it Ross,” I reply while shaking his hand.

“Glad that’s settled.”

“Me too.”

“I bet you I can get downstairs before you.”

“Really? You want to race me? Aren’t we too old for that?” I question

“Really? You’re going to question this?”

“Just kidding. You are going down Ross.”

“Well yeah, since we’re going downstairs”

I laugh at this. “Very funny Ross. Ready?”

“I was born ready. On your mark. Get set. Go!”

And like that we are off.

I’m so glad things are back to normal again.


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