chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Now, much more people are coming to us, its getting very crowed. Paul went in front of us, like our security protecting us. Then Niall holed on my hand very tight. And then we sprint as fast as we can to the special passage and get in to Paul's car.

'Phew~~' said Niall. 'Sorry love, I think we have to go now. Cause all the fans know that I am in the mall now.'

'It's ok, we can come next time.' I smiled.

Paul took us back to the hotel, and we went to the boys room as well.

'Wow, you guys are fast.' said Zayn, looking so surprise.

'Yea, cause the fans find out that I am in the shopping mall.' said Niall sigh.

'Its ok, you guys can go again next time.' said Liam cheering Niall up.

'I wanna have a nap.' I said.

'I will go with you, I also wanna have a nap as well.' said Niall smiled.

Then I lay on Niall's bed and he lay beside me. Niall put his arms around me and he lay beside me. He begins' shut the door, turn the lights off, I wanna be with you, I wanna feel your love, I wanna lay beside you....'

His voice is so good, is so adorable. I fell asleep straight away. Sleeping in Niall's arms, I feel so warm, so secure and so nice. I wish I can stay like this forever.

Hours later, I open my eyes, I am still sleeping in Niall's arms. I looked at my watch, its 4:00 pm. I try my best to move without waking Niall. When I get down the bed, I felt someone grab my arms. Oh shit, I got scared. Then I turned around, Niall is holding on my arms.

He pull me close to him, and he got up, he pressed his lips on mine and kiss me.

'Good afternoon love.' he said in a sleepy voice.

'Good afternoon Niall.' I said. Then we walked out to the room where the boys are.

'Good afternoon guys.' I said.

'Good afternoon Taylor.' said Liam and Zayn.

'Good afternoon Mrs Horan.' said Harry and Louis in a childish voice.

I look at Niall, and Niall looked at me, we can't help it, but we laugh.

'Today I am taking Taylor out to have dinner.' said Niall.

'Can I come?' asked Louis in a childish voice again.

'Mr Tomlinson, how many times do you have to asked these nonsense

question?? NO.' said Niall pretending to be angry.

'Don't get angry Horan, I am just joking. Tonight I am taking Eleanor out to have dinner as well.' said Louis.

'Awhh, you are taking Mrs Tomlinson to have dinner today.' Niall and I said it together.

'Excuse me you guys, thats my line.' said Louis blush a bit.

'Guys lets do something now.' Harry said.

'But what should we do?' asked Zayn.

'Um.. maybe watch a movie?' said Liam and looking for some movies in the cabinet. 'Lets watch this one ' Scream 4'.

I didn't say anything but everyone else agreed, I dont want to be to bitchy to say no, even know that I hate horror movie.

Then we squash in the crouch sitting together. Liam plays the movie.

It is very scary even its the beginning, oh keep holding Niall very tight and keep hiding my face behind Niall so I won't see the TV. But it I cant do this all the time, even I does that, I can hear what the people in the movie are talking about and the background music is sososo scary. I cant stay here anymore, I felt my heart gonna bump off very soon.

I stand up immediately and ran to Niall's room.

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