Chapter 1; looking

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Cameron was ecstatic. Today was the day her mum finally agreed for her sister, Noelle, and her to drive to the local humane society and claim a dog for each of them to be theirs, forever.

Camm ran down the hall into her brightly colored room, making her short brown hair sway back and forth on her shoulders. She jumped into her shoes and darted out the door, running until she reached Nelly's car, where she was waiting to go.

Cameron was always so fond of animals. She watched Animal Planet every morning with her sister that summer, so she knew much about them. As the little girl day dreamed out into the streets of Birmingham about all the exciting mysteries exotic animals she'd seen on the telly, Nelly pulled up to the front doors o the shelter. Cameron bounded to the front doors and stopped to wait for her sister to catch up, then entered. The ladies at the front desk directed the sisters to the first hall of kennels. She first thought Camm was Nelly's daughter, by how far apart they looked in age. A lot of adults thought that.

Nelly opened the door to the stench of sweating, drooling dogs, as Camm ran into it to explore. Most dogs were so affectionate and caring to Camm, making her want to take them all home. But one special dog caught her eye.

A very large dog, - it's spine almost reaching Camm's shoulder - stood up on the fence as Camm walked by. It's white-toed paws clung to the fenced gate, it's long, spikey tail waved back and forth so hard, the whole bottom half of her black body was shaking wildly. Her bright orange eyes bored down into Camm, pleading for more affection as she touched it's head.

Her name was Tikky.

Immediately Camm fell in love with Tikky. Camm told Nelly, and brought her to the front desk to help Camm fill out a couple adoption papers.

"Why would you like to own a dog?" Nelly read aloud off the papers.

Camm had to think about this for a moment. She finally answered, "Because I feel alone and bored at home with nothing to do, so it would be fun having a dog." She paused. Then spoke again, "Also at school I don't have a lot of friends, so it'd be comforting."

At school, Camm didn't make many friends. The only true friends she had were Valerie, - Ray is what Camm called her - and Tanashia. They've all been best friends sicne Camm was five years old. Camm had very odd crooked teeth. The front two teeth were opposite of each other. One was pointed a little more forward than the other. Some people at school picked on her for it, saying, "snaggle tooth pirate," or, "Freak." Sometimes even her parents teased her about if every once in a while. Camm never showed it bugged her. She just brushed them off, and moved on. But deep down it hurt her, that she knew she weirded people out whenever she smiled, or even talked. She couldn't help it, though. So now Camm felt that if she had a companion such as a dog beside her, she won't feel so empty.

As Camm and Nelly finished the adoption papers and turned them into the front desk, Camm thought of how exciting it'd be to take care of such a large animal like Tikky.

Her spirits lifted even higher when the lady they handed the papers to said Tikky would be ready to be picked up and brought home by tomorrow afternoon.

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