Chapter 4; the protecter

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That night, Camm's dad read her part of a book they were reading together. He's been doing this for her since Camm was a little girl, getting her interested to books, though her mother already had a library full of books that interested Camm. Books were a way where Camm could escape back into her own little world, forgetting everything else.

She'd also been reading her own books, beside the one Camm's father and her were reading. Adventure books always clicked Camm's imagination more than others. At school, sometimes she'd get her nose into her book so far, that she'd freak out if someone tried to bother her while in the fantasy of the words on each page.

Today while Mrs. Goodwin gave a 45 minute period of reading to the class, a boy sitting next to her tired tapping her shoulder and saying her name to grab her attention.

"Hush up!" Camm snapped.

"But... There's something in y..."

The boy didn't get to finish his sentence before the student on opposite side of him screamed, "Oh my God there's a spider in your hair!"

Suddenly, Camm dropped her book, losing her place, and started flinging her hair behind her back, desperately trying to free the bug of her hair. It took a moment before it flew into the pile of books across the room.

"Okay, it's out now," said the boy who had informed Camm about the crawly thing in her hair.

Camm felt like she was about to pass out. She looked to her right, into the mirror beside her, and she was as white as the papers in her book. She sighed, and buried her face into her arms on top of the desk, so no one could see how frightened she had become over a tiny little spider in her hair.

She hated spiders.


"Would you like any help, Nelly?" Camm suggested as Nelly packed her last box. Nelly had finally decided where to attend college, which was six hours away. She wanted to make sure she would be far enough from home so she could take care of herself, and face the real world. Camm was going to miss her sister once she left over the next couple of months. She wouldn't be able to watch Animal Planet with her sister every morning that summer, no long car rides, just to themselves. They wouldn't go to the event down at the humane society every summer together anymore, walking their shelter dogs. There were so many things Camm would miss out on, just because her sister was leaving.

"No thanks, I think I'm good," Nelly replied.

"Alright, well I'm going to take Tikky on a walk," Camm told.

"Okay I'll talk to you later, be safe and be careful, make sure she won't drag you around the whole neighborhood," Nelly laughed at the last words.

Camm giggled as she exited the room, remembering the first day bringing Tikky home.

Walking around the corner with the leash, Camm caught sight of Tikky pressing her whiskers against the glass of the back door. She had caught sight of the leash. Walking was her favorite thing to do, besides playing tag with Camm as she tried playing fetch. Tikky started prancing around the deck like a baby deer, as Camm tried to calm her down to strap the leash on. Once it was finally on, she whimpered with excitement and darted to the back gate, Camm barley having enough time to clasp the end of the leash. They walked out the gate together, into the neighborhood. Despite her size, Tikky was well behaved when it came to walks. They walked down the street side by side, stepping on Camm's toes every once in a while.

As they walked down the right side of the street, a truck slowed down on the opposite side. Tikky glanced over, then suddenly tensed, becoming protective over Camm. A drunken man had slowed a little beside Camm, as he looked up and down her body, grinning. Camm became very uncomfortable, pale with astonishment. She wanted to run, but she didn't know where. Before she could react, the man opened up his door, and stepped out of the truck. He turned around and looked at Camm, about to take a step forward. Tikky, every piece of fur now standing on end now, went charging. Camm still had the end of the leash tied to her wrist though, so Tikky stopped about 3 feet in front of the man. She got on her hind legs, balanced on the weight being pulled at the other end of the leash, and snarled at the man, warning him off Camm. His face rose with shock as the dog stood up, almost as big as a black bear, and barked. He turned and ran back into his truck, not expecting the little girl to still be holding the other end of the leash. He sped away, as Tikky got back down on all fours, and pranced back to her best friend. Camm giggled as it looked as if Tikky had a smirk under her muzzle. Tikky returned to the spot next to Camm, as they sped their way back home.

Camm was so thankful for this dog. She didn't know what could have happened if she wasn't there.

She decided on the way home that Camm would not tell her parents about this incident.

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