Chapter 2; A new start

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The day before, Camm had drove away from the animal shelter watching a volunteer brush the hair clumps off Tikky's ribs.

Today was going to include one of the most life changing events that will ever occur in Camm's life; introducing Tikky to her new loving home.

Today would also be the day Nelly would bring home her new fluffy pet, Coco. The night before, when she didn't see any dogs to her fancy at the humane society, Nelly looked at a different local animals shelter's website, falling in love with the little cream-colored pit bull/husky mix.

Camm, Nelly and their Mum were about to enter the front doors of the shelter, when Camm saw Tikky jumping with excitement in the lobby when she came into view. Camm walked into the doors and embraced her new dog with affection. As the volunteer handed Camm the leash strapped around Tikky's neck, she told Camm how to walk the huge dog without being drug down the street. Camm soon learned the help was no use, as she was drug across the parking lot to their car. Mum opened the back door as Camm climbed into the car, Tikky jumping in after her, and sprawled across Camm's lap. She stroked Tikky's head as they drove away from the shelter, then stopped for a moment. Tikky jolted her head up to see why the gentle gesture stopped, and hit Camm square in the nose with the back of Tikky's skull.

This would be the first - certainly not the last - bloody nose Camm ever got from Tikky.

As the family arrived home, Tikky drug her new companion to her soon-to-be new favorite play area; the back yard. Camm unstrapped the leash from Tikky's neck as Nelly left to go pick up her new dog, Coco. Camm let Tikky explore the new green grass and patio, to talk to her mum, who was remembering a story about the last time they owned a family dog.

**Mum's P.O.V.**


Mum was in the backyard hanging laundry on clothes pins. She looked back at her one-year old daughter, Cameron, and her play-buddy, their chocolate lab, Jack, rolling around in the mud. Jack was so sweet and gentle to Camm for such a big dog. Mum smiled to herself and returned to hanging the laundry. Suddenly, she heard silence. She looked back again to where the baby and the dog were playing, but there was just a ditch of mud. Mum started to panic. Where were they? Her heart raced a little faster when she saw the gate facing the busy street they lived on, open. Mum ran towards the gate and looked right; nothing. She swung her head to the left, and saw Camm running down the side walk in her diaper - Jack in between her and the busy street. Camm clutched the dogs' collar screaming, "C'mon, Jack! Let's go!" over and over again. Jack led her safely and cautiously down the side walk.

Mum stood there and laughed, watching the two rebels. Jack was the best family dog they could ask for. No one would ever replace him.

Still giggling to herself, mum called the best friends back to the yard.

-Flashback over-

**Camm's P.O.V.**

Nelly came back with Coco with a huge smile on her face. Camm could tell getting this dog meant a lot to her sister. Not too long ago, her dog at her Father's house, Pepper, had to be put down from an inflamed stomache. Nelly owned that dog since they were both new borns. He was a very caring German Shepard.

At first Coco and Tikky were very nervous around each other, but in a couple hours it became very neutral.

Later that night when it was time for Her to go to bed, Camm's dad brought Tikky into her room after getting to know the new dog when he came home from work. The family found out that night both dogs did not get along well with their two cats, Dexter and Lady.

When Tikky entered her room, Camm only had to pat the bed once to acknowledge Tikky to jump on the bed. She sprang onto the bottom bunk of Camm's bunk-bed with her, and sprawled on top of her tiny legs. After her parents kissed we goodnight, Camm and Tikky fell fast asleep cuddled up next to each other, like they have been doing this routine for years.

The next morning Camm awoke to the sound or rough growling, yelping, and jaws smashing together outside. She looked over to see Tikky was no longer laying beside her. A couple moments later she heard her parents running outside and yelling for the commotion to stop. When Camm heard their names, her heart skipped a beat. She sprang out of bed and ran to the back door.

The commotion outside the door was the sound of Tikky and Coco.

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