Chap. 2

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I tried to go back to my drawing, but I still couldn't focus. I felt like curling up into a ball and crying. I always hid my eyes behind my bangs, I'd never let anyone see. This was why. I was very sensitive about the color and for some reason I hadn't wanted him to see them, he'd hate them. Everyone hated them, even me, but... I just... didn't want him to hate them.

Eventually I did just curl up into a ball, but I didn't cry. I buried my face in the sleeve of my shirt and tucked my knees to my chest. I didn't want to face the world right now. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I didn't want to even see anyone.

I debated whether or not to go back to the house and curl up in the corner of my room. When I finally decided to unfurl myself from the grass and tree roots I heard a pair of footsteps again. I felt tears BaFin to pool up again as I couldn't stop myself from hoping that it was Yuudai. I huffed, mentally calling myself stupid for having such useless thought.

The footsteps stopped in front of me and I didn't look up, I didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment. I heard a sigh from above me, then a kind, familiar voice spoke out.

"Naoki?" Yuudai asked, "can you please stop pretending to be a bush?" I blushed slightly at his weird comment.

I slowly uncurled myself and sat up, keeping my head down. The blush was still evident on my face. I was embarrassed by the bush comment, but mostly it was the fact that he actually came back. Whenever someone would see my eyes they would run off and never come back.

"Here" I heard him say, still standing above me. I looked up slightly, being extra careful of my eyes, to see him holding out a glass of what looked to be lemonade. My eyes widened. 'He was giving me something?!' I thought to myself.

"Yes, that's what i'm doing" he said and I realized that I had said that out loud.

I blushed again and took the glass from him. He sat down beside me once again and took a sip from his glass. I leaned against the tree and, keeping my head down, I took a sip as well. It was lemonade, and it was very sweet. I loved sweet things.

After a few "sips" the lemonade was gone, the glass completely empty. I heard a chuckle from Yuudai and looked at him curiously.

"Guess you were thirsty, huh?" he commented without looking at me. I kept my eyes on him, watching him as the sun slowly went down.

He turned his head to look at me and I realized, again too late, that my bangs no longer covered my eyes. Once again I averted my gaze and stared at the ground. When I did so Yuudai said something that made my heart flutter.

"No wait," he said as I looked away, "let me see them."

My eyes stretched wide and my head snapped back towards him in pure astonishment.

"I like your eyes" he said quietly.

My heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched slightly. At that moment I heard a new song begin to play. (*Cue music). I blushed, plain as day.

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