❧ Chapter 7

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© All Rights Reserved To LuciaWrites

Chapter 7


Cassie's POV

I put on my best puppy dog face as Claire looked at me with hard eyes.

"You're not, not going." She growled, her teeth clenched.

"Please, Claire. Let me stay home. I hate Halloween parties. Especially ones that Luke throws." I begged, referring to my asshole of an ex boyfriend.

"Will you get over it? Please!" She pleaded, closing her locker. "He invited me! Which has to mean he's okay with you coming."

"I'm sure he's okay with me coming, because he's the one who broke it off!" I whisper yelled at her. "But I am not okay with it, it's embarrassing as hell showing up at your ex boyfriends party, especially when I haven't even said a word to him all year."

"No one f.ucking cares!" Claire suddenly bellowed, catching the attention of everyone else in the hallway.

I winced, and rubbed my temples. Her loudness sounding like a gunshot in my already thumping head. Ever since this morning, my head has hurt like a bitch, and when I caught sight of Luke combing towards us, eyes already on Claire, I felt the ache in my brain get a little bit bigger. I looked back to Claire, and begged her to shut up silently, but of course, she didn't get the hint.

"Luke does not care!" I rubbed my forehead and squeezed my eyes shut as she continued her rant. "The mayor does not care! Barack Obama doesn't care! The pope, for the love of god, the pope doesn't even care! So why the hell would anyone else?!"

"Claire, please stop." I mumbled, too embarrassed to look up at the boy I already knew was standing in front of us.

"Oh hi, Luke." Claire beamed. I could just picture her right now, even though I was not looking at her, I just knew, her eyes were most likely trained on me, the corners of her mouth turned up right in a satisfied grin.

"Claire," His satin like voice acknowledged. "Hey, Cassie."

There it is.

I let a fake smile grace my lips, and I lifted my head to see the exact thing I pictured. Claire's excited eyes solely on me, a smirk plastered on that- metaphorically- big a.ss mouth of hers. I hardened my stare at her as much as I could before turning to Luke. "Hey Luke,"

His lips spread in a grin, and I felt my knees go a little weak from seeing that gorgeous smile of his. Then I remembered what an asshole he was and I straightened my posture. "You ladies discussing my party?"

"You bet." Claire jumped in. "We'll be there."

In milliseconds the smile dropped from my face, and I snapped my head towards Claire. "Speak for yourself." I mumbled venomously, through clenched teeth.

"You're not coming?" Luke questioned.

"I might have plans." I lied.

"You should cancel them, I want to see you there." Luke said, probably lying as well.

"I'll think about it." I finally gave in, Claire's ridiculous smile melting away my hesitation.

"Bye Cassie." Luke shot me a quick wave before heading off in the direction he came.

"Oh my god," Claire exclaimed. "He's into you! Again!"

I snorted. "Yeah right."

"He was all eyes on you, baby." She wiggled her eyebrows. "He wants another piece of Cassie cake."

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