❧ Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Cassie's POV

I sat in class impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. I resisted the strong urge to tap my fingers on the desk out of restlessness.

"So, after Columbus made his great discovery..." Mr. Camden droned on, "He continued looking for more land."

I seriously could not take it any more. I was 72 minutes into this class, and ready to burst. There's only eight minutes left, and I do not think I can make it... Literally. Staying in here, and listening to his monotone voice might actually make me burst.

I raised my hand eagerly. His eyes caught on me, and widened for a short second, as if he was surprised that someone was actually taking the time to acknowledge his teaching. "Yes, Miss Elton?"

"May I please go to the restroom?"

He glanced at the clock, and I internally groaned. "There's only eight minutes left of class..."

"I don't think I can hold it," I replied, somewhat honestly.

A chorus of small laughs surfaced, and Mr. Camden nodded. "Go ahead."

I sighed, and grabbed my book bag. I headed out the door, and it almost felt as a large weight was lifted off my shoulders when I left the classroom.

I had about six minutes to kill before my next class, art. I didn't actually have to go to the restroom, so I sat on a bench relatively close to my locker, and waited for the bell to ring.

Art wasn't exactly my first choice, but I needed more credits to graduate, and my good friend Claire is in the class as well. Unlike some of the others, besides me, she was actually a talented artist, and had a reason to be there other than the teacher... Mr. Malik. He's a young guy, from somewhere in England, and every single girl I know has hit on him at least once.

Including Claire... Just because she has purpose in the class, doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy the teacher a little too much... Claire has a bit of an inappropriate crush on him. She's amazing at the art work she does, and she's taken the class and excelled at it for as long as I can remember, but having Mr. Malik has been a bonus for her. The subject she loved most just happened to have an extremely hot teacher, and she wasn't one to complain about it.

The bell rang, and I happily got up and headed in the direction of art room, hoping to find Claire on the way. I searched for her head of blonde hair in the halls, and smiled when I saw her bobbling towards the art room. "Claire!" I called over the crowd.

She spun around upon hearing her name, and I waved.

She smiled back, and waited as I caught up to her. "Hey!" I said.

"Hey, how was history?" She asked me with a slight grin. She knew I despised the class and the teacher. Asking me how the class went was practically begging for me to rant about it.

"Guess." I stated.

"Thrilling? Exhilarating? Action packed? Stirring? Simulating? Electrifying?"

I laughed, and stopped her. "None of the above!"

She faked a surprised look. "History is the most riveting class I know! You're crazy to feel the distaste that you do towards it! How can you not find the amazing journey of Christopher Columbus completely engrossing?"

"I skipped out with eight minutes left because unlike you, I found the amazing journey of Christopher Columbus completely repugnant!"

Claire huffed, and flipped her hair. "Well, if you don't find the topics as astounding as I do, then what do you think of the teacher? Doesn't his voice just capture your attention fully? And motivate you to learn about the strenuous times of the past?"

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