There's A Plan!

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I want to thank everyone who has left a comment, voted, follow, and viewed! Your guys review really made me happy and I'm happy that you guys really liked the last chapter.

So I really wanted to watch The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies Extended Edition in theaters. Out of curiosity I went to youtube to see if anyone recorded it (I know I'm terrible but I REALLY wanted to know!). So I went to youtube and looked up Battle of the Five Armies Extended Edition Scenes and this account MaxeBaumannFilms2013 had I think all the scenes were recorded (maybe there's more, I'm not sure). But the first one I watched was titled "Funeral of Durin's Sons." And Oh. My. God. I cried like a little baby! I think if they added that into the movie when it first was in theaters, everyone would've died. There was too much feels and EVERYTHING! I was not nice how they would've played with our emotions...especially at the end of that scene. There was like...some cool and one funny...and a scene I regret not doing and I'm like ashamed that I never thought of doing some sort of rendition of it, but I should've done it and I regret it. But yeah, if anyone is curious then go to youtube and check it out...can't wait for the Extended Trilogy set releases.

So, the video above is the extended scene I watched (it was depressingly sad and I got punched in the feels), and if you're curious about the other scenes then go to the guys youtube page.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson! Anything you notice from The Hobbit movie/book: places, quotes, people...I do not own and they belong to the two wonderful people who bought such a beautiful place to life. I only own Bellethiel and her kin! Any grammar errors that you see I would like to apologize in advance! Enjoy this chapter guys!

(Dís P.O.V)

"Thorin." I called out to my brother who I had found lounging about in the balcony area that we used to go to as kids. He looked to be brooding and spacing out for when I opened my mouth to speak he had jumped just a bit in surprise. "Thorin, we need to talk."

"I'm busy sister, can't this wait till later." His voice rumbled lowly and I knew what he was thinking going by the tone of his voice.

You see...when my brother got upset or angry, the tremble in his voice was more prominent and his voice always went an octave lower the usual.

"No, Thorin." I growled out in defiance. "Something like this cannot be held off until later."

"I don't...have time for this Dís." My brother growled out, his body tensing and I could feel my patience running thin.

"Dammit Thorin then make time!" I growled out, closing the gap between us as I stood beside my brother, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look at me.

When his eyes met mine I could see the anger behind his eyes, and I could tell I may have overstepped some sort of boundary...but this was something of grave importance and at the moment I didn't care. He needed to hear this and dammit he was going to listen.

"What is it Dís!" Thorin yelled out, his voice echoing around the empty hall we were in. "I just want to be left alone!" Thorin then suddenly slunk back, his shoulders slumping and his gaze averted to the ground as his eyes were shadowed...and at this moment for the first time weeks I saw something other than anger coursing through his body.

I saw a broken king.

"I just want to be left alone..." Thorin mumbled in defeat, the hurt evident in his voice. I took my hand off his shoulder and placed it under his chin, gently forcing him to raise his head.

The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)Where stories live. Discover now