10 - Blossom - Dad?

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"Dan!" I yell.
"What?" He shouts back.
"You still haven't tidied away your recording equipment." I complain.
"Coming!" He huffs. I smirk as Dan stomps down the stairs.
"Thank you, Hun." I kiss his cheek and run off. Just as I open the fridge, the doorbell goes off. I sigh and shut it. I open door.
"Um, can I help you?" I ask the man that is standing at my door.
"Are you Blossom Ann Wills?" The man asks.
"I was, I'm Blossom Howell now, why?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Do you not remember me?" He asks. "I'm Mason Wills, your father."
"B-but you're dead!" I stammer.
"Is that what the old bitch has said?"
"Can I come in?" He asks.
"S-sure." I stutter, stepping out of the way. I lead to way into the lounge where Dan is cleaning up.
"Er, who's this?" He asks.
"I could ask you the same thing." Dad demands.
"I'm Dan, Blossom's husband. Now who are you?" Dan puts down his camera and takes a step towards my dad.
"Dan, this is my Dad." I say, not believing myself. Dan drags me to the kitchen.
"You told me that he's dead!? How can he be alive?" Dan raises his eyebrows.
"I-I think my mum lied." I guess. I walk back into the lounge where my apparent dad is looking at a picture of Ellie when she was born.
"She's a beautiful baby, is she yours?" He asks.
"Yeah, my daughter Ellie. I have a son too, Reece." I explain.
"How old are they? Can I see my grandkids?" He asks.
"Not until you prove that you are my dad." I say, sitting down on the sofa.
"Right, well you were born on the 21st of April, and you have an older sister called Isabelle. Um, I left you when you were three because I was put in hospital because your mum pushed me down the stairs... Oh! For your second birthday, I brought you a toy car that you loved." He thinks. Tears well up in my eyes. Only my dad would know about that toy car.
"Daddy?" I squeak.
"Sweetheart, it's really me." My dad smiles. I fling my arms around him and cry into his shoulder. He rubs my back.

"Ellie, Reece? There's someone I want you to meet!" I call. A few seconds later, the two kids tumble into the room.
"Hi." Dad smiles.
"Mummy, who's that?" Reece asks.
"That's grandad." I grin.
"Hi, Grandad!" Ellie smiles sweetly. Dad opens his arms and the kids hug him.
"How old are you, Ellie?" He asks.
"Wow, you're a big girl. And how old are you, Reece?"
"5! I'm a big boy!" Reece boasts.
"Yes you are!" Dad tickles his stomach.

"Why did you come here first?" I ask.
"It's easier to find a house than an apartment." Dad replies. Issy and Joe live in an apartment.
"So, how long have you and Dan been married?"
"6 years, Ellie came just before we got married."
"Oh, okay." Luckily, dad isn't like mum and doesn't mind sex before marriage.
"Do you want anything to drink, Mr Wills?" Dan asks.
"Tea please, and call me Mason." Dad smiles. Dan nods and disappears back into the kitchen. "I like Dan. He's polite and protective. He's a good dad and husband."
"Yeah, I'm glad he found me." I smile. "Did you re-marry?"
"Yeah. Her names Hannah. We've had three kids. Oh, we want to invite you and Issy and your families to dinner next week. Could you ask her please?"
"Sure. What are their names?" I ask.
"Well, the oldest is Jake, he's 21. Then there's Elizabeth, she
18 and lastly there's Claire who's 14."

/One week later\

"Ellie, have you got your boots on?" I ask. Today is the day I meet my half family.
"Yes, mummy!" She replies. Dan and Reece are waiting in the car.
"Come on then, sweetheart." Ellie runs down the stairs and trips. I launch forwards and catch her moments before she hits the ground. "Ellie, what have I told you about running down the stairs?"
"I'm sorry, mummy." Ellie whimpers.
"It's okay, honey, just be careful next time." I carry her out to the car and let her get in herself. After I strap Ellie in, I get into the car myself.
"Ready?" Dan asks me. I nod nervously and smile gratefully as he places his hand on my thigh.

"Hi!" Joe smiles. We've stopped off at their apartment first.
"Hey, how's Issy?" I ask.
"Like a balloon." He jokes.
"Only 4 months to go then." I smile. Joe lets us in and Issy comes out of her bedroom.
"Hiya." She smiles.
"Hi, how are you feeling."
"Worse than when I was pregnant with MJ." Issy groans.
"That happened to me with Reece, might be a genetic thing." I shrug.

I ring the doorbell and wait nervously. A woman with straight brown hair and brown eyes opens the door.
"Hello, come in, come in!" She beckons. We all file in and sit down on the couches. "I'm Hannah. Mason will be down in a bit."
"Okay, I'm Blossom, um, this is Dan, my husband and my two kids Ellie and Reece." I smile.
"I'm Issy. I'm the eldest and that's Joe, my husband and my daughter Morgan-Rose." Issy continues.
"Aww, the children are so cute. I see you are expecting another?"
"Yeah, I'm 5 months along." Issy grins.
"How lovely." Hannah clasps her hands together. A boy walks into the room. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hi, I'm Jake." He smiles.
"Blossom." I smile back. I hug my half-brother. "These are my kids, Ellie and Reece."
"Uncle Jake, huh?" Jake laughs.
"I'm Issy. This is Morgan-Rose, my daughter." Issy grins, hugging him as well.
"I'm Dan, Bo's husband." Dan smiles.
"Joe, Issy's husband."
"Woah, all my half-sisters are married with kids? You're what? 25?" Jake asks me.
"27." I correct him.
"Riiiight and you are?" He nods and beckons to Issy.
"29. You're 21, right?" Issy remembers.
"Yeah. How old are you then, Dan?"
"30." Dan answers bluntly. Jake is slightly rude.

"Sorry I took so long!" Dad apologises as he enters the room.
"Don't worry about it, Dad." I smile.
"Oh, Issy?" Dad asks. Issy and Dad haven't met yet. Issy runs to dad and hugs him.
"It's so good to see you again." Issy cries.
"And you." Dad strokes Issy's hair. "Claire, Elizabeth? Hurry up please." Patters of feet run down the stairs.
"Hi!" A young girl smiles. She has mousy brown hair and grey eyes, almost exactly like Issy.
"Hello." An older girl, Elizabeth I'm guessing, grins. She has black hair and green eyes.
"Hey." I greet.
"You're really pretty." Elizabeth says.
"Thanks." I smile.

Claire took the kids upstairs to show them her room. I excuse myself from them current conversation I was having with Elizabeth to see what they were doing. I walk up the stairs and try to find a room that looks like what a fourteen year olds room would look like. Just as I think I find the room, a hand grabs my shoulder and I'm pushing against a wall. Jake is pinning me against the wall and smirking at me. Jake is 6 foot, while I'm a measly 5"6. I struggle for a few seconds, before Jake forces his lips onto mine. I feel immediately sick as my half-brother kisses me ruffly. I try to push him off me, but he's incredibly strong. As I'm pushing at his shoulders, Jake is ripped away from me.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Issy asks as she wraps her arms around my shaking body. Dan is pinning Jake up against the opposite wall. Dan is easily stronger than Jake. Elizabeth runs up the stairs and throws me a confused look. "Jake was kissing Blossom." Dan growls.
"You really are a sicko!" Elizabeth yells at Jake. She storms up to him and slaps him. "First Annabelle and now your fucking half-sister?!" I wonder what she means by 'first Annabelle' but, to be honest, I don't think I want to know. I can hear Claire doing her best to keep the kids in her room. Jake tries to push Dan off him. "You can throw him to the ground to keep him under control. He's stronger than he looks." Elizabeth says. Dan wastes no time to push Jake to the ground and hold his hands behind his back.
"How fucking dare you touch Blossom- your half-sister, my wife- like that." Dan whispers into Jake's ear. I clutch at Issy's top and try not to cry. I breathe in slowly and lean against the wall.
"W-what on earth is going on?" Dad gasps.
"Jake tried to do the same things as he did to Annabelle to Blossom." Elizabeth explains.
"Jake! We've told you about this!" Hannah yells. "Blossom, sweetheart, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I've had something worse happen to me before." I say, referring to the time I was almost kidnapped and probably raped.

Jake was taken away by the police a couple of minutes later.
"W-what happen with Annabelle?" I reluctantly questioned. I'm sitting in Elizabeth's room.
"Well, about a year ago, Jake had a girlfriend. One night, when Jake didn't think I was home, I heard screams from his room. Um, I crept into his room and he was raping her. I took boxing lesson, so I can knock people off their feet pretty easily. I tackled Jake off of her and called the police. I helped Anna get dressed and comforted her." Elizabeth explains. I nod and feel sick as I think that my half-brother could have raped me. The door opens and I flinch slightly.
"It's only me." Dan says. I smile at him and he sits next to me on the bed. "How are you?"
"Shaky." I mutter.
"I won't let anyone hurt you again." Dan promises. "And I mean it."
"Alright. I know you two are married, but cut out the romantic crap, please?" Elizabeth laughs.
"Sorry." I chuckle.

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