Waiting For A Girl Like You (Louis' POV)

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I looked at the clock 9:00 am I wonder if she is up. I jumped out of bed and went to my closet, not to nice but not to sloppy, I thought. I pulled out a nice white shirt with a pair of jeans and laid them on the bed, I scanned through my shoes; black ten-a-shoes "Prefect" I said out loud. I got dressed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I ran a brush through my hair, sprayed a little cologne and went downstairs. I peeked my head in her door, suddenly there were a pair of hands on my shoulders "Who are u looking for, lad" I heard Harry's voice say. "Emily is she up yet?" "I think she is downstairs eating, does someone have a little crush" he teased. I playfully pushed him, "What is it to you, is someone jealous?" I asked. He laughed, putting his arm around my shoulders,"No, so when are you taking her out on a date" "Tonight" "Where are you taking her" "I was thinking that nice restaurant, downtown" "Oh, well I'll bet she'll love it" he grinned. "Hey Lou, Hazza, what are you guys up to" Zayn said coming up the stairs. "Louis has a date tonight" Harry blurted out. I rolled my eyes, "ohhh Louis, where are you taking her?" Zayn said putting me in a head lock. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed, "That nice restaurant downtown" I said. He let go, "Aw, Louis has himself a little crush, Harry" he teased. "I know Zayn they grow up so fast" Harry said laughing. I pushed both of them back, "If that is all then, I should be going." I walked down the stairs, "Oh and Zayn, next time you want to fuck your girlfriend could you be quieter about it" I smirked, Harry laughed. I went to the kitchen, Liam was getting his breakfast. "Morning" I said as I grabbed my plate. "Good morning, Louis how did you sleep?" He said grabbing the apple juice out of the fridge. "Really good, did u sleep good?" "Not really no, Zayn and Vanessa, kept me up, and Danielle was texting me all night" "So you heard it to?" I asked "Yeah he must have been doing really well for her to be that loud." he said, smirking. We both laughed, "So when is Danielle coming in?" I asked, "She said probably by Monday or Tuesday." "Well that is great to hear, I can't wait to see her." I grabbed my milk and went into the dinning room. Emily was sitting on the opposite side, talking to Niall. I took a seat next to her, "Good morning" "Good morning" Niall said, with eggs in his mouth. I looked at Emily, her hair was pulled back in a messy bun she was wearing a Twilight shirt with, sweat pants. "Morning, how'd you sleep" I said smiling. "Okay I guess" "Zayn and Vanessa?" I asked. Niall groaned, "You weren't right next to them." "Sorry chap, I think they kept all of us up." "It's fine, I can ignore it." "You can have the room upstairs, next to Emily, that is if you would like it." "Could I please?" "Yeah, I will help you carry the stuff up there if you'd like" "That would be great thanks, Lou" "It's nothing" Emily got up to throw her plate away, I quickly ate the rest of my breakfast and followed. "Hey, now that I have you alone, can I ask you something?" I asked. She looked up, "Sure?" she said worry in her voice, god her eyes were so beautiful. "I was wondering.." I trailed off, "Yeah" I looked at the floor, "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me" she said nothing, I looked up, her mouth hanging wide open."Uh, yeah I would love to" she said. I smiled "Okay, I meet you at 8?" "Yeah sounds good" she said smiling. She threw her plate away and went back upstairs, I threw my plate away as well. I sat back down at the table I looked up and Liam and Niall were both starring. "What?" I asked, "Nothing" Liam said smirking at Niall. "Shut up." I said and went back upstairs. I ran into Harry on the way up, "Hey Lou, want to go go kick the football around some?" "Yeah why not?" We walked downstairs and out the back. "What's wrong Louis?" Harry asked as he kicked the football to me. "Nothing" I said and kicked it back to him. "Louis, you are my best friend I know when you are upset what is wrong?" Harry asked. "I really like Emily, but I am afraid that I might mess up the date tonight" "You won't, just be yourself" "What if that isn't good enough?"

"Lou, you are funny and sweet, I promise she'll like you" "But Harry what if she doesn't?" "Louis stop, it's going to be fine" "Okay, you're right." I said picking up the football. "Need help with your outfit" "That would be great" I said as we walked to the house. Liam was in the kitchen working on lunch "Hey boys, lunch is almost ready, we are going shopping, you up for it" "That would be great" said Harry, nugging at my arm. "Guess I'm in." I said smiling. "Alright, we will head out right after lunch."

We ate lunch and head out to the stores, downtown, Niall and Zayn came along with Emily and Vanessa. We looked around, for awhile, Zayn took Vanessa into a jewelry place, Liam, and Niall took Emily to get some more clothes. I wasn't so sure about leaving Emily alone with Niall and Liam, but Harry resured me. "Now time to fine you something to nice to wear for your big date." We went into a tuxedo department, I tried on a lot of suits, Harry said I looked nice in all of them, typical Hazza. Finally after hours of searching I found the right one, after we went to eat. We all sat down Liam and Niall sat down next to Emily so I sat across. She was so beautiful, every time she laughed I couldn't help but smile. Harry nugged me, "Your right, she is beautiful" I looked at him with that look, "SHE'S MINE!" I yelled, everyone in the restaurant turned and looked. We all laughed, "Something things never change" I heard Liam mumble. When we finished lunch, we went back to the house.

I waited impatiently for 8:00, I wanted everything to be prefect. 8:00 finally came around I jumped up and pulled my suit out of the closet put it on and looked at myself in the mirror quicky did my hair. I run downstairs, Harry and Zayn were in the living room playing a football video game. "Yes three to five" Harry said jumping up. "Don't get to cocky lad" I said coming around the couch. "You look great" said Zayn, "Thanks" I said looking at the floor. "Don't doubt yourself." said Harry. "Yeah Lou, she will love it." I heard foot steps coming down the stairs I turned to see Emily in a black dress with zebra print at the top and black high heels. "Wow" I gasped. She smiled at me, Harry whispered "say something." "You look beautiful" I managed to spit out. She smiled and said thanks. "We should get going." I said reaching my hand out towards her. She grabbed it and I headed for the door, I opened the door for her "After you" I said with a smile. She smiled "Thank you" "You guys have fun" Liam yelled, "Not to much fun" Harry added. I followed behind as Emily walked to the car, I opened the door for her, "Thank you" she said. "Your welcome" I shut the door behind her and walked to my side and climbed in. She looked out the window, "So, how are you liking it here? Are you having a good time?" I said looking at her. "Yes it is so beautiful, your friends are something else" she said with a giggle. "Yeah we are like brothers, we have known each for three years" "We'll I guess you are used to it" "Yeah I guess, here we are" I said pulling into the parking spot. I turned off the car and quickly got out of the car, I walked over to her door and opened it for her. I shut the door behind her, and grabbed her hand interlocking our fingers. They sat us down outside, I pulled the chair out for her "Thank you" she said. Then the waiter came over to take our order, "Hello my name is Haley, I will be taking care of you tonight, can I start you off with something to drink?" "I will have Pepsi" I said, "The same." "You really do look beautiful" I said with a grin. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" she said smiling. The waiter came back with our drinks and took our orders. "So tell me more about yourself" I said taking a sip of my drink, "What more do you want to know?" "Where did you grow up?" "Well, I grew up in Morristown Tennessee, with my parents and my younger brother Zach. When I was 18 I moved to Florida, with Taryn. We were friends in school, but her junior year she moved to Florida so I promised I would finish out school in Florida." "Oh how long have you known Taryn?" "About 5 or 6 years. What about you, where did you grow up?" "I grew up in Doncaster England with my sisters Charlotte, Félicité, Daisy and Phoebe. My parents when divorced when I was young so I took my stepdads name. When I was 19, I audition for the X-Factor. They put me in a group with the boys, we came in 3rd but Simon still signed us. We came out with What Makes You Beautiful in 2011. It became a hit and here we are three years later" "Wow, that is amazing, do you ever get tired of the fame?" "Yeah sometimes I wish I could just take a break but, I love what I do, I love looking out into a million fans and watching them sing the lyrics to our songs." "Well yeah, I mean it pays off." She said smiling. We finished dinner and I paid. When we got to the door paparazzi was everywhere. "Damn it" I mumbled, "Excuse me, is there another way out?" I asked the man at the desk. "No I'm sorry." I looked at Emily, "Stay close to me." I said with a serious look on my face. "Okay." I grabbed her hand. I pushed open the door and pulled her close to me I could hear the paparazzi asking me questions, I ignored them and pushed my way through. When we got to the car I opened her door and blocked the paparazzi with my body, I shut the door behind her. I rushed over to my side as they snapped pictures of us, I started the car and drove off. I looked at Emily, she was starring at her hands. "Are you okay?" I asked, she looked up and smiled,"Yeah I'm fine." "I am so sorry, I didn't think they would find out" "It's not your fault." She said smiling. We pulled into the driveway, I shut off the car, and got out. I walked around the car and opened her door. She got out with her shoes in her hand, "Shoes hurting your feet?" She laughed, "Yeah." I took her hand and we walked to the door, "I had fun tonight" I said smiling. "Yeah me to, thank you" "No problem, do you think we can go out again sometime?" I asked. "I'd love to" she said smiling; I pushed her hair away from her face, she smiled. I leaned in, she didn't pull back; without thinking I pressed my lips against hers.

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